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Starter: rainbowdemon Posted: 20 years ago Views: 700
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Lvl 29
Does anybody like Thunderbirds? I have a 1992 T-bird. When I got it there was 6 miles on it. Now there is 179,000, And other than new head gaskets at 89,000, I have never had a problem with it. The bull belongs to my neighbor. He escapes every once in a while. He's harmless.

Lvl 22
i had a 93 cougar, jet black....beautiful car...tinted windows, 17 inch rims low profile eagle gt's modded intake, custom dual exhaust, high performance that was a fun car....3.8 liter v-6 (not the supercharged one)and i beat 5.0 mustangs!!!(not all of 'em, i lost sometimes too ) i miss that car all the time....yeah, i like t-birds (cougars were the same thing w/o the fast back )

ps...3.8 liters are notorious for blowing head gaskets, i blew mine too!!
Lvl 29
Sounds like a nice car. Cougars and T-Birds are about the same. Mine has a 3.8 too. I don't race it, but I travel from West Virginia to Pittsburgh on a regular basis. It can sure eat up the interstate. But in all those trips, I only got one speeding ticket.
Lvl 13
well the super coupe,s are ok but the rest it sucks but its my opinion
when i lived in the usa i had a 79 cougar
it was ok
Lvl 22
the mid-range passing power is amazing, thats where those motors really shine is on the freeway....
BTW cougars and t-birds are EXACTLY the same, just a different back window and cougars had grills where t-birds didnt
the independent rear suspension really made that fairly big car handle nice...
:pines for his cougar:
....the new cougar and new t-bird are different animals though...
Lvl 22
and again metalux chimes in with a negative opinion....

do you ever say anything nice?

(offtopic) 1000 post for erictheviking!!!
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 29
I don't much care for the new T-Birds. The mix of the old and the new just doesn't work!
The new Cougars aren't bad though.
Lvl 13
well i wrote that i liked my 79 cougar
isnt it enough already?
Lvl 22
my roomie has one actually, he bought because my old one was legandary!! its quite nice actually, zippy v-6, 5 speed...real nice
Lvl 29
1000 post for erictheviking!!!

Man, that's a lot of spam!! j/k

Way to go,Eric!!

Lvl 22
thanks spamming has really paid off
Lvl 13
well i will scan a pic from my cougar then and place it here later
it had a 351CI engine and leather seats

p.s why you dont like me erik?
i like mickey
and i never wrote something wrong about you
Lvl 22
(offtopic)i dont dislike you, i dislike negativity. it makes me mad, then i am negative, then i get mad at myself for being negative...its a viscious cycle
BTW mickey and i arent related we just speak a similar language us scandinavians stick together....we have to because this place is crawling with you hard headed dutchmen

ontopic: the 351 was a nice big motor...the windsor had more horses than the cleveland, but a classic ford motor

Lvl 13
but i write my opinion what i think about T-birdts
i am just not a Ford man
Lvl 29
I was never much for Fords either. I used to have a Tempo. That car was one problem after another. But the T-Bird is the best car I ever had!
Lvl 22
i laughed for real....a TEMPO?!?!?!? no wonder you had problems
Lvl 13
a view years ago Kenny Bernsteen drived a Tempo Funny car
but he also had bad luck then
Lvl 22
i had a buddy who took an old dodge d-50 pickup (very small truck for those not familiar) and put 44 inch mudders on it and a 427 motor from a camaro,i think it was on a bronco body, and painted it baby blue...he named it flipper because he ruined the frame rolling it in a ditch....thats why he made a monster truck out of it
Lvl 29
Lesson learned the hard way. The Tempo was junk!!
Lvl 22
i believe it
my buddy has its sister car, the topaz....also junk, but he keeps driving it....had a WHEEL fall off while driving down the highway, and STILL drives it
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