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This has got to suck

Starter: EASY_E Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.0K
Lvl 12
I would cry if this was my car.
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 21

Lvl 14
<i>heh..heh..yeah..I thought leaving diapers and rotting food under the seats were bad enuff, but paint?..urrrrggghhh!
Lvl 12
oooh, that sucks! And it's a benz too! Owner seems to be screwed... That has got to be the worst luck in the world!
Lvl 22
Lvl 12
ha ha....
Lvl 22
ha ha ha....
Lvl 12
no sorrys
Lvl 12
Fuck that sucks

so what did the guy do with the car
Lvl 12
what a doosh bag
Lvl 17
And its leather...$$$ hope hes rich :P
Lvl 13
"douche bag" - hooked on phonics... it werked fer me!
Lvl 12
Wankin behind the wheel ain't a good thing. It messes up the interior. So you see.