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run a car on water ??

Starter: FATHERTIME Posted: 16 years ago Views: 384
Lvl 28
i saw this and thaught, wtf ???
Lvl 20
Holy... Holy shit!


Thank you for the link!
Lvl 13
The guy in the first video is using a welder that has been used by the jewelry industry for a long time. Oh and he is dead. Conspiracy theorists think big oil knocked him off.

The technology works. Hydrogen mixed with diesel definitely works to reduce diesel usage. A car "modder" was on the cover of Fast Company a couple months ago. Interesting read - it sure seemed like there was more to it that a $150 "easy" kit though...
Lvl 8
Lvl 13
Artie - that is a fucking sweet video!!!!!
Lvl 20
God damn it! Do some fucking research when you're dropping shit like this!

It's bogus.
