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My dream car

Starter: Notech_The_Abbot Posted: 13 years ago Views: 1.8K
Lvl 22
Finally it looks like a feasible flying car has arrived!

Expensive, yes! But I've dreamed of this since I was a kid (they promised it would happen)
it's been a very long wait!

news to read,

If you don't like reading,

Lvl 8
Where do I sign up
Lvl 22

On the dotted line of course
Lvl 28
it looks like it would be fun, but i think i would be afraid to fly in it...
More my speed:

Lvl 13
Drunk driving gets a whole new meaning
Lvl 4
I think I'm with fathertime on this one. but that is awesome!
Got to see the Terrafugia in person on Friday.

Lvl 22

Did you get to see it fly?
Nope. I believe they're still in their testing stage which means they can only fly within a certain radius of their home airport.
Also got to see the Maverick Sport shown in the youtube video in post #5.

Lvl 22
Man, I would love to see those in person!

You lucky Dog !!!
Lvl 18
Great stuff.

Been waiting my whole life for these.
Not quite a flying car but more of a roadable airplane:

Saw it at Airventure too, but didn't take any pics.
Lvl 22
Thanks Screwy, that's a cool video and site

My RC club will be putting on a display at the local EAA show this September. I hope there will be some cool aircraft there.