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Have you ever purchased the same model consecutively?

Starter: ihatedrphil Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.5K
Lvl 12
I'm on my second Grand Prix, an act I can't repeat. An Aunt is on her fifth Camry, has owned nothing else since 1988.
Lvl 59
I bought a Grand Cherokee after I totaled the Grand Cherokee I had before that.
Lvl 28
Totaled a boss!
Lvl 59
lol, twice.

Because my cars are disposable.
Lvl 28
i buy different cars... i bought a ford ranger, a jeep liberty and a chevy silverado...i always want something different than what i had before..
Lvl 19
I am on my second Mini Cooper.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by ihatedrphil

I'm on my second Grand Prix, an act I can't repeat. An Aunt is on her fifth Camry, has owned nothing else since 1988.

i am on my second grand prix also -- 8 cylinder XGP and love it
Lvl 29
for 15 years running, my father-in-law had a thing for the Ford Taurus. I like to change it up once every 10 years or so and get something different.
Lvl 13
on my fifth Porsche......It seems to be the way it goes
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Honda_X

Totaled a boss!

Black out in the sewer? Meet a giant fish? Fuck his brains out?
Lvl 20
I had five Austin Mini, two consecutively.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by chase239


i am on my second grand prix also -- 8 cylinder XGP and love it

I'll assume you mean the GXP...and I drove one last year, that is the most fucktardedly insane car I've ever driven.

In a bad way. They have simply put too much power to the front wheels, I actually said to the dealer that the GXP is going to kill a sucka if they're not paying attention.

I mean, it's pretty peppy..but that thing should have been RWD from the get go. Cool/Scary car bro.

Originally posted by Punly


Black out in the sewer? Meet a giant fish? Fuck his brains out?

He also took a shit on Debra's desk.

"Lindros" is Latin for "LIKE A BOSS"
Lvl 7
i am on my 3rd Dodge Ram