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The Official WBW Funny Photo Thread..Part 10

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 14 years ago Views: 27.5K
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For those, like the teacher here, who don't understand how math works...

If it takes 10 minutes to saw a board in half once, and get two pieces. It will take 20 minutes to saw it in half two times, to get three pieces.

Using her little chart there, it would take 5 minutes to not saw it in half at all, and leave it as an intact piece of wood. Seems like a little long to do nothing to it.
Lvl 37
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Lvl 22

Lvl 22
Lvl 37
Lvl 8
Your not very nice Sydney Sinbad not all us canadian girls are that ugly
Lvl 37
Give'm hell jarszoo

We have some feisty ladies in the Fun Forum.

Lvl 9
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

Give'm hell jarszoo

We have some feisty ladies in the Fun Forum.

[ Image ]

You better believe it!!!

Lvl 22
^^^ I get it

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