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The Biggest Game - Vol. 39

Starter: DEMO Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.5K
  • Goto:
Lvl 24
He's a lazy ass - Donkey in Shrek
Lvl 27
Donkey in Shrek - Starved for attention
Lvl 24
Starved for attention - Ashley Olsen
Lvl 13
Ashley Olsen - you would tho.
Lvl 27
you would tho. - Grab the bull by the horns
Lvl 13
Grab the bull by the horns - those animals weigh a hell of a lot
Lvl 27
those animals weigh a hell of a lot - Hippopotamus
Lvl 13
Hippopotamus - try saying that drunk
Lvl 27
try saying that drunk - Suzie sold seashells by the sea shore
Lvl 13
Suzie sold seashells by the sea shore - red leather yellow leather
Lvl 24
red leather yellow leather - Peter Piper Picked
Lvl 13
Peter Piper Picked - a peck of pickled peppers
Lvl 24
a peck of pickled peppers - Eat them with a burger
Lvl 28
eat them with a burger - potato chips
Lvl 24
Potato Chips - Made for Ketchup
Lvl 27
Made for Ketchup - Hot dogs
Lvl 24
Hot Dogs - Need Mustard on them
Lvl 51
Need Mustard on them - Cheeseburgers
Lvl 24
Cheeseburgers - Elvis Presley's last meal
Lvl 27
Elvis Presley's last meal - He's not dead, just hiding
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