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Soccer, that kicking the ball game

Starter: Hemi Posted: 20 years ago Views: 869
Lvl 19
Ever heard of it?
Lvl 12
Lvl 14
But South Korea lost to Turkey?

Actually, all the Turkish women that I have ever met are extremely hot (although admittedly not usually as much as Brazilians). To find a female Turk wearing traditional Muslim clothing is a pretty rare find outside of Kurdish lands.
Lvl 14
Hey why not another:
Lvl 19

Phook mi, vera nice!
Lvl 21
as old as the world cup but i like'em ALL!!
And Bos has a good point, turkish girls can be just as nasty (i.e. nastier) than any other kinda girls!! *grinz*
Lvl 16
soccer? Is that kinda like football? LMAO!!!! hehehehehe
Lvl 14
Instead of FIFA, it'd be FISA? Or actually... IFSA... and that's just nutty.
Lvl 12
just to let u all know it is actuall called football not soccer. us brits invented the oh so beuatiful game and called it football.
Lvl 12
nice got any more
Lvl 12
oh yea that is fuckin funny to ha ha ha !
Lvl 14
Well my country invented Bocce, and I hereby declare it to be henceforth known as "football." This shall now mean there if football, rugby football, American football, and now: Bocce football. Let's throw in hockey football, throwing-tree-trunks football, and backgammon football. Everything is now to be called football!