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Punnani Escapes from Prison - Where am i Hiding ?

Starter: Punnani Posted: 15 years ago Views: 25.8K
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Lvl 4
Salt Lake City, USA
Lvl 26
Originally posted by batmanmarth

Salt Lake City, USA

I am making these clues easy for you... Yes, i am in Salt Lake City ! Time for the next clue...

Clue 27:- I am stuck in a hotel room at the moment becuase the locals are causing mayhem on the streets and it's not safe to go outside. Still, the hotel does do a very nice Yam Makhua.... Where am i ? (Name the city and country)
Lvl 4
Bangkok Thailand?
Lvl 26
Originally posted by batmanmarth

Bangkok Thailand?

Correct ! This is the last one for today as i will have to lie low until tomorrow due to the trouble on the streets..

Clue 28:- In the morning i will board a plane to what has proved to be the 10th most expensive city in the world in which to live. Where am i ?
Lvl 4
Singapore, and damn you for making me learn stuff Pun, lolz
Lvl 26
Originally posted by batmanmarth

Singapore, and damn you for making me learn stuff Pun, lolz

, That made you do some searching ! But, well done you are correct. Time for the next clue...

Clue 29:- This place is right on the bank of the Arno River and has a very famous landmark. Where am i ? (Name the place and the landmark)
Ponte Vecchio bridge Florence Italy
Lvl 26
Originally posted by assman3

Ponte Vecchio bridge Florence Italy

Right country, Wrong place !! Here is a bit more help.....

This place was built with wooden foundations and is a national tourist attraction.
Santa Maria del Fiore
Lvl 7
Pisa - the leaning tower
Lvl 26
Originally posted by fb3111

Pisa - the leaning tower

Well Done !!
Lvl 26
Here is the next clue...

Clue 30:- I am in a bar drinking this countries national drink, later i will visit a "Coloured Square" (Name the drink and the country)... There will be more clues if these are to hard.
Vodka Moscow Russia
Lvl 26
Originally posted by assman3

Vodka Moscow Russia

You are good !! .. Time for me to go back into hiding until tomorrow... Get ready for the next clue then
Lvl 26
Well, i have "Maxed out" one of Demonics credit cards by staying in this resort ! (I dont care as he is loaded )

Clue 31:- I am staying on one of the 1,192 islets, The original inhabitants were Buddhists but now this is an expensive holiday destination. Where am i ?
Lvl 7
Lvl 26
Originally posted by someflguy


Sorry, keep trying ! Here is a picture clue...

Lvl 7
Originally posted by someflguy


I was wrong its - The Republic of Maldives
Lvl 4
aw, he beat me to it
Lvl 26
Well done someflyguy, hard luck bamanmarth... just a few minutes late !. Time for the next clue

Clue 32:- I am on the US / Mexican border in the largest city in this Mexican state, Where am i ? (Name the place and the state)

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