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Pranks (post yours)

Starter: sigmer Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.7K
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Lvl 14
Here is a few starter pranks, next poster has to find another one and post.

Hopefully somone other than me will post, have a good laugh
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 59
I think the "upper-decker" is one of the best, and USEFUL, pranks that I know of.
Lvl 9
Lvl 3
Lvl 14
haha good one wolfp4ck,
how do you inset videos directly like that m8?
Lvl 27
Originally posted by sigmer

haha good one wolfp4ck,
how do you inset videos directly like that m8?

Insert your youtube link between, with no spaces

[Youtube] [/Youtube ]
Lvl 14
Awsome, thanks a lot.

Lvl 27
I believe it only works with youtube...
Lvl 14
yea, i tryed the others, just a grey box appears

Lvl 14
Lvl 14
Lvl 20
Awesome stuff.

Will see if I can find something too later.
Lvl 14
ok, this one is on german, so i will explain a bit, the storry is that the "mirror" is no mirror, but a window, and there are 2 identical bathrooms on each side of it, and the girl doing makeup, has a twin sister in the other room, so it looks like she is mirrored.
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
Lvl 7
Sorry there's no video, but this is a prank we played on a friend...

I was going for a girls' night out with three friends - Debbie, Emma and Lucy. We met up at Debbie's flat and started drinking before we went out. As usual, everyone was betting who could drink the most. We sort of decided on our route, Debbie still boasting that she'd beat the rest of us.

We trawled the bars starting with just a couple in 'Dry' then a few more pubs along the route to Gaytown. We stopped at 'The Old Monkey' for a couple of drinks then tried to decide to go up the road to 'The Joshua Brookes' or do the Gaytown pubs. Gaytown won out and we started on the cocktails in various pubs.

Debbie was probably winning by this time and was completely blasted. She went off to the ladies and Emma said she wouldn't be surprised if Debs fell asleep on the toilet. After five minutes, Lucy and I went to the ladies to retrieve Debs, who was asleep. Lucy had to climb over the cubicle wall to get her out. With Emma's help, we carried Debs out of the pub and ordered a cab. It was still quite early so we phoned the local pizza place and bought another couple of bottles of wine. The cab driver was a bit dubious about taking Debs in his car cos he thought she might puke so we said we'd pay extra if she did.

We got back to Debs' flat and fished her keys out of her bag. We undressed her and stuck her snugly in bed - she was still out for the count...

The pizzas arrived and we opened the wine, chatting about loads of stuff and getting sillier and sillier. It was then that Emma suggested the prank...

We got all the wine bottles out of the recycle bin and placed them around the living room and kitchen. Then we changed the date and time on the video, the microwave, the TV, Debs' alarm clock - everything - including her mobile phone.
I sent her a text message saying 'Where are you? You weren't answering yesterday. Penny (our boss) is going mad - you're 30 mins late'. We'd set Debs' alarm clock for 8.30am

We left and went round to Lucy's to sleep over.

The next day, around 10.30 I got a REALLY cross phone call from Debs. She'd woken up in a panic, thinking it was Monday and that she'd slept the whole of Sunday.

She'd dressed, jumped on the train to Stockport, arrived at the office and then realised that it was Sunday morning after all.

We laughed so much that a little bit of wee (nearly) came out.

She still hasn't forgiven us and doesn't boast about how much she can drink any more
Lvl 6
I've got two incredible pranks I've pulled.

1. I bought a bunch of cheap alarm clocks from Wal-Mart (3 for about 5 bucks apiece), set them to go off at 3:00, 3:15, and 3:30, then hid them in random places in my roommates room. He said he woke up to a faint beeping that grew louder and louder until he finally had to get up and dig around in his closet. By the time he found it, the next one went off. He was so pissed when the third one went off, he didn't bother looking for it for a couple days.

2. I took out an ad in the Greensheet (a local free classified ad paper) selling his truck for about 1,500 less than blue book value. Then I put in his cell phone number with the message "I work early, so interested parties please call between 6 and 8 a.m."

Fortunately, my roommate has a good sense of humor, and is not nearly as clever as I am, so I don't particularly fear reprisal. I'm still too lazy to get around to getting a vanity license plate frame that says "Honk if you suck cock"...I will some day though.
Lvl 5
I think one of the better one's I've done involved a can of tuna and the guy's car. So I was really pissed at this guy for something, and I was going to do something stupid with his car, but one of my friends convinced me that I would be caught and thrown in jail, so instead, I devised a prank that would seriously impact his car, and personal life, including his new girlfriend. I took a can of tuna, opened it partway with a can opener, and drizzled the juice down his heater vents. Then, the car sat in the cold, and when he and his new gf got in the car and turned the heater on, neither could understand why it smelled like rotten fish. Needless to say, she did not stay in the car. To this day, dude hasn't figured out wtf happened to his car. No video, but a great way to get revenge w/o leaving a mark
Lvl 7
Was that tuna in oil or brine? Oil might have been funny - smoking when heated
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