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Starter: Hemi Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.2K
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Lvl 17
Hmmm Hair ?
Lvl 22
He is
Lvl 13
So Hemi what is the answer ?
Lvl 12
Hemi, how many post till you state your answer or is waisteofair right and you are just messin with us?
Lvl 22
He is just fucking with our heads
Lvl 12
I'm so stupid... I think I got it... it is what makes bread rise. I would eat the yeast well... in the bread, but never off a pussy. Is that it?... is it?
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 22
I wouldn't worry about it... knowing Hemi he's forgotten the answer to his own question. Dope Smoker.
Lvl 22
Tuna is the most likely answer though.
Lvl 22
Yeah, there's definitely something fishy about Hemi... No, wait, that was Dagon.
Lvl 14
Hemi didn't say when he'll say the answer
Lvl 22
What exactly is wrong with smoking pot? I remeber shit. Just not all the time.
Lvl 14
Lvl 22
What exactly is wrong with smoking pot? I remeber shit. Just not all the time.

Need I say more... ha ha ha ha Actually there's nothing wrong with it. To each their own. I'm more a drinker myself though.
Lvl 19
Wasteofair: What exactly is wrong with smoking pot?

It makes u even more dumber
Lvl 22
Do you have proof of this? I have smoked for about 10 years now and I am still as smart as the day I started. It really doesn't have these horrible effects that people say. At least in my experience it hasn't.
Lvl 12
user25 watches too many commercials.=p

its either tuna or yeast, it has to be.
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
I have smoked pot for ages too, maybe when you are stoned you memory isn't as good and your are much more relaxed. But once it wears of you are just back to normal, except you have the experience of smoking pot.
Drinking actualy does more harm to your body and brains, this is a proven fact. I have never read or heard of anybody dying because they smoked to much pot, though I have heard of it very often from drinking.
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