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how to fold a shirt japanese style - i tried it and i cant do it

Starter: Pharrari Posted: 20 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Lvl 26
My toenail looks like it's gonna fall off.
Lvl 12

Lvl 18
Sorry to hear that.
Lvl 26
Shitty picture, but hey, I'm in pain here
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Pharrari


I have no clue how to do that.
Lvl 12
do u have AIM

send it to me and ill do it
Lvl 13
the ping pong vid cracks me up. I found a new career path!
Lvl 11
I did it
Lvl 14
OMFG that is too hard to do...i can get to the part where you fold the shirt down.....after that i dunno wtf to do
Originally posted by gasolin

Shitty picture, but hey, I'm in pain here

i did that last year with a heavy door. the nail did eventually fall off! and it's only half grown back now!!!!!

Back on topic .A thread on WBW about folding shirts .......There's just something very gay about it!!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 15
@gaso - LMAOF - How are you going to explain the broken toe to your doctor and friends?

Still Laughing - Thanks I needed that.
Lvl 15
Okay, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong... I was pinching the side of the shirt that was closest to me instead of reaching accross to the far side. I still need more practice to make it neater but I have the general idea
Lvl 12
I do it slightly different, but all my shirts are like that. Growing up, one of my chores was folding my dad's clothes and he always wanted them that way so he could see what the front looked like. I think it might also be a military thing
Lvl 26
No, I don't have AIM.

rocky & BumFuck
Lvl 15
I had to watch the flash about 20 times, but I finally got it. Mine is no where near as nice as hers, though.
Lvl 17
Good laughs for the late night!
Lvl 11
i got it to be a shape of a pizza
Lvl 15
Yum, Pizza.

:: Eats XXXDOLPHINSXXX Shirt for breakfast ::
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