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Funny/weird expressions/sayings by you or people you know

Starter: mind_crime Posted: 15 years ago Views: 249
Lvl 12
We all have them, we all have people who say them.

"Holy shitake mushrooms!"

"Son of a biscuit eater!"

"What a f***tard!" <---I'll admit that one's mine. .

I would LOVE to hear some more!! Come on, people.

here are some for beginning

1. Beeotch
2. Cheese and Crackers
3. Cheese and Rice
4. Cheeses
5. Crud
6. Dag Nab It
7. Darn
8. Diablo
9. F-ing
10. Farging Icehole
11. Fiddle Sticks
12. For Rice Cakes!
13. Freaking
14. Freakin 'A
15. Fudge
16. Screw
17. Geez
18. Gosh Darnit
19. Heck
20. Holy Cow!
21. Horse pucky
22. Jiminy Crickits!
23. Judas Priest
24. Kawabunga
25. Piddle
26. Pluck it
27. Poo
28. Shaving Cream
29. Sheesh
30. Shitaki mushrooms
31. Shiznit
32. Shucks
33. Shut the front door
34. Son of a Gun
35. Son of a Mother
36. Son of a biscuit eater
37. Son of a motherless goat
38. Sons a' Guns
39. Sufferin Succotash
40. Sugar
41. Sunny beach
42. Tinkle
43. William Shatner
Lvl 20
I say:
"Slap her/him/it like a hooker."
"Jesus Fuck"
"Fuck that" (to anything)
"That dog don't hunt"
"Dug in like an Alabama tick"
"Fuck-tard" is on of my favorites.
Lvl 6
My grandmother used to say, "goin' to beat 60" It means moving really fast.
Sometimes I like to "spin a yarn", It means telling a cool story