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Finish the Sentence - Trail Size Version

Starter: Jujubeez Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.2K
  • Goto:
Lvl 12
his crotch is rubbed raw. After that he'll . . .
Lvl 27
go find the nearest streetwalker and pay her 500 dollars to...
Lvl 26
blow his wages on and then take her up the..
Lvl 20
ladder and throw her off of....
Lvl 26
the top and let her use her panties as a....
Lvl 9
...a flag so every one can see
Lvl 13
that it was a flag to wave down fefe to
Lvl 26
take her out for a drink and maybe...
Lvl 30
dance with her spoon until the...
Lvl 26
we have licked the spoon clean and then...
Lvl 12
Utilized the spoon to . . .
Lvl 27
pry open the door to the office and wreak havoc on all of Dizzy's...
Lvl 11
love toys, turning them on and tossing them in the aquarium, causing...
Lvl 27
horny fish to swim about in a frenzy and ...
Lvl 26
eject their fishy muck in the face off..
Lvl 12
a small rabid mouse that had been dipped in...
Lvl 26
Cheese Sauce and love juice from the naked body of.....
Lvl 13
Alyssa Milano, who happened to be going down on...
Lvl 26
Naughty Gypsy and hardly ever coming up for air, that was until.....
Lvl 13
she had a very bad case of gas, which caused further damage to the .........
  • Goto: