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Starter: FalseReverence Posted: 20 years ago Views: 433
Lvl 13
bite me
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 13
monkey, bearded clam, fur burger, rabbit, hair pie, and on and on and aon
Lvl 12
why come up with these stupid forums? isnt there anything better to post? or are you just trying a lame attempt at raising your points
Lvl 12
I must sat that tu-tu is pretty different

Skipping all the obvious ones.... we just used innie and outie
Lvl 13
Never heard innie and outie for the ol' muff.
Lvl 12
innie for the girls, outie for the boys
Lvl 12
tu-tu or tatu?
Lvl 13
Oh sorry Sutas. The original text was deleted due to criticism. I would have deleted it all but you cannot do that with the first post in a thread. Of course if one of our illustrious crew would do the honor I would be grateful! And while you are at it, feel free to take away my lil point things. I'm not in it for the points, never want to be accused of such. In fact, I would wager that it is a guy thing.