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Crazy Assed Tattoos

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 16 years ago Views: 6.8K
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Lvl 5
i never thought i'd come on the site and be intrested in a thread without naked ladies in it. thank you for the amusing share. 5 stars.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Jeff613

That one with the eyeball on his head is airbrushed. Some of these tattoos show some real inspiration and innovation. Others show what a complete fucking lack of understanding some people have as to how drastically their lifestyles and tastes can change between their twenties and thirties. Just imagine those guys with the homosexually oriented tattoos going straight later on. Friends don't let friends get sucky tattoos.

Oh, here's one other bit of sage advice: What makes you cool before age 25 suddenly makes you a colossal fucking loser afterwards. Drugs use, being a fashion victim, thinking you can dance, having a Firebird, being good at video games, heavy drinking, weird, gory and/or copious tattoos, etc. You get the idea.

Yeah, but there's nothing funnier than someone having a trashy dumbass of an idea tattoo. Whether you know them or not, they are fun to pick on and talk about. Just hope your not the person not understanding the laughs.
Lvl 24

im just beside myself with disbelief about some of these, awesome thread
Lvl 9
honestly, what WAS going through their heads? haha you've really got to wonder. haha
Lvl 20
Sucrates and his gf???

Originally posted by the_kevin1

Lvl 59
Tinypic didn't like some of the adult ones, so I've found a workaround.

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