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Beer Goggles

Starter: rainbowdemon Posted: 20 years ago Views: 407
Lvl 29
Most guys have done this!!
Lvl 22
Thanks rainbowdemon. Now I know what Miss Spears looks like sans makeup. ha ha ha ha
Lvl 13
"miss" spears, as in brittny. wolvey, that could cost you some user points.or should i say mr. wolvey?
Lvl 22
You no like the way I speak Ms. Buxom. Maybe I need to be shown the way.
Lvl 13
for a start i don't like the Ms. if you were a girl , mistress would do nicely. as in miss buxom is my mistress. as in a kept woman. as in i think i could get into this. being a ladies candy. i think a cold showerr is in order.
Lvl 22
Ah, now you're getting into it. However, I'll leave you to your own devices seeing as how I haven't gotten that nip/tuck done yet. Maybe you can find one of those Dutch girls who has a nice dungeon, er, I mean basement.
Lvl 13
did you look at the posting dutch pride. the firl in the yellow is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. i'd be her candy any day. so the canadian military will pay for the nip and tuck. i wonder how long it will be before they have an all girl army.
Lvl 12
heheh nice one