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a silly joke

Starter: rainbowdemon Posted: 20 years ago Views: 751
Lvl 29
A woman who had served lunches in an old folks home for years got bored one day, so she got naked and put a blanket around her like a cape, and rushed into the dining room screaming "SUPERPUSSY" . . .

One old man didn't even look up from his paper as he said "I'll have soup, please !"
Lvl 13
i had to read it twice, but funny.
Lvl 12
hah, that's silly
Lvl 13
Very good he he he he
Lvl 12
U were right it was a silly joke
Lvl 17
Lvl 20
Lvl 12
not funny at all
Lvl 20
i didnt get it....
Lvl 12
A man had been chugging down whiskey all night when the bartender called out, "Okay, people the bar's closing." So the man slurped down the last drink, stood up to leave and fell flat on his face. He tried to stand one more time; same result. He figured he'd crawl outside - hopefully the fresh air would sober him up.

Once outside he stood up and again fell flat on his face again. So he began to crawl the block home. When he finally arrived at the door he stood up and again fell flat on his face. He crawled though the door and into his bedroom. When he reached his bed he tried one more time to stand up. This time he managed to pull himself upright, but he quickly fell right into bed and was sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The next morning his wife prodded him awake and said, "So, you've been out drinking again,huh? "What makes you say that?" he asked, puttting on an innocent look. "The barman called - you left your wheelchair there again!"

Lvl 22
Damn good joke binky! lol!
Lvl 20
Lvl 12
A lady goes for her first golf lesson. The pro says, "You've got to hold the club like you hold your husband's organ." She takes the club and hits the ball. He says, "Beautiful. Perfect shot. Right down the fairway. Now, take the club out of your mouth, put it in your hands, and we'll go for distance.

Lvl 20