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Why do my images keep being deleted?!!!

Starter: PhotoMonkey Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.7K
Lvl 23
I recently uploaded a load of pictures onto the 'Babes' section of the site. I know for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before, all of the women are well over the age of 18 and as far as I'm aware none of them are professional models. So far, about 14-15 of the photos have been accepted by the mods and published, however all but 2 of them have now been deleted.

This is very annoying, and the most frustrating part of it is that you get no explanation as to why they have been removed. Some sort of facility that allowed the submitter to see whatever complaint has been made would be nice e.g. a 'babes rejected' section on your stats page which shows the report put in against each photo.

I personally think it's down to certain people being a bit competitive and reporting against photos they currently have waiting for approval in their own list. Other than that I'm at a total loss as to why the pics have been binned.

Apologies for the rant, but this is really beginning to piss me off.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by mrbrightside06

...I know for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before...

hard to say that with such certainty, considering the sheer volume of archived pics here.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by mrbrightside06

I recently uploaded a load of pictures onto the 'Babes' section of the site. I know for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before, all of the women are well over the age of 18 and as far as I'm aware none of them are professional models. So far, about 14-15 of the photos have been accepted by the mods and published, however all but 2 of them have now been deleted.

This is very annoying, and the most frustrating part of it is that you get no explanation as to why they have been removed. Some sort of facility that allowed the submitter to see whatever complaint has been made would be nice e.g. a 'babes rejected' section on your stats page which shows the report put in against each photo.

I personally think it's down to certain people being a bit competitive and reporting against photos they currently have waiting for approval in their own list. Other than that I'm at a total loss as to why the pics have been binned.

Apologies for the rant, but this is really beginning to piss me off.

I don't see how in the world ANYONE can know what pictures are or are not on this site, there is just no way. Currently there are 1,009,744 images in the galleries so please enlighten us on how you know for a fact that none of them have been seen here before.

As for the deletion of pictures....... I just took a look through your queue and I noticed that there are 9 images that should not have been uploaded due to them being Cassandra of candycrib. She, along with others from that site have requested that their images not be uploaded here so therefore we are to delete them when we see them.

It is possible that the images that were accepted then deleted were of Cassandra or another member of that site and that is the reason they were deleted.

If they weren't deleted for the reason above then it IS possible that they were reposts or pro. Just because you haven't seen them on the site doesn't mean that they haven't already been uploaded and even if a picture doesn't "look" pro doesn't mean the person in it isn't.
Lvl 13
well one way someone would know that would be if they took the photo themselves. I've had photos uploaded to the 'babes' section awaiting approval but barely half of them are approved. I know they have never been on this site because I myself have taken them. They were not Pro nor underage. wouldn't be a bad idea to have a 'rejected babes' section on profile homepages to see as to why the pics were either deleted or not accepted. Just something to look into.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by SteadyKing

well one way someone would know that would be if they took the photo themselves. I've had photos uploaded to the 'babes' section awaiting approval but barely half of the are. I know they have never been on this site because I myself have taken them. They were not Pro nor underage. wouldn't be a bad idea to have a 'rejected babes' section on profile homepage to see as to why the pics were either deleted or not accepted.

You are right, I forgot to mention something about that in my original post. BUT, that would also depend on if the person posted/uploaded them somewhere else. If that was the case then there would be a possibility that they were uploaded before, it has happened before (recently) and I'm sure it will happen again. I was mainly going on the fact that most members don't upload their own pictures, instead they get them from other places and upload them here.

We don't delete pictures unless there is a reason, sometimes (not often) that reason is a mistake. If you can post or PM me one (or all) of the pictures you are mentioning, maybe I can give you a definite reason why they were deleted. If nothing else, upload those again and let me know and I'll take a look and tell you from there.
Originally posted by mrbrightside06

Some sort of facility that allowed the submitter to see whatever complaint has been made would be nice e.g. a 'babes rejected' section on your stats page which shows the report put in against each photo.

If we had to give a reason for each rejection - even if it was a simple check box on a list of reasons - it would take forever for pics to make it through the queue due to the added time involved. We already get too many complaints about the amount of time it takes to process pics.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by mrbrightside06

I know for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before.

In your first post you say "as far as I'm aware none of them are professional models". J_A_W_Z says you uploaded pics of Cassandra which means you didn't take those pics for sure. After briefly looking at some of the pics in your queue myself I see a lot of "self shots" and a few reposts which further means you didn't take them yourself. How many pics that you took yourself are we talking about? Because you seem to implying most of what you upload was taken yourself and that's just not what the evidence suggests.

Originally posted by mrbrightside06

Some sort of facility that allowed the submitter to see whatever complaint has been made would be nice e.g. a 'babes rejected' section on your stats page which shows the report put in against each photo.

At any given moment there's anywhere from 15,000 to 30,000 pics waiting to be approved. People already complain constantly about how long it takes to mod this many pics. Adding a feature as you suggested would slow this process down massively.

Originally posted by mrbrightside06

I personally think it's down to certain people being a bit competitive and reporting against photos they currently have waiting for approval in their own list. Other than that I'm at a total loss as to why the pics have been binned.

Users can't see the pics in your queue or make reports against them until they are approved by a mod.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 59
Originally posted by BillK


hard to say that with such certainty, considering the sheer volume of archived pics here.

It's actually very easy to say that, because if you read what he said, he's rather uncertain.

I'm 100% sure that it'll probably be sunny today.

Which means, "I'm nowhere near 100% sure."
Lvl 6
I know 100% for a fact with every ounce of certainty in my body that quite possibly maybe some of the pics in that I've uploaded have perhaps not been uploaded before. I know this. For a fact.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by BrahglesHorsecockPhD

I know 100% for a fact with every ounce of certainty in my body that quite possibly maybe some of the pics in that I've uploaded have perhaps not been uploaded before. I know this. For a fact.

Would you please clarify this obviously factual piece of fiction, just so that I can be less/more/approximately 100 percent sure, I think?
Lvl 23
Mods, I do apologise. I realise that my initial claim that "I (knew) for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before" was fairly ludicrous. I got a tad carried away there. I'm a dick.

I didn't realise that several of the pics were of a a pro model (cassandra from candycrib) and if it's the ones I'm thinking of then I only posted them because I've seen photos of her on here before. I guess that was kind of my point though; unless submitters receive some sort of feedback they will keep submitting photos that will ultimately be rejected. I totally appreciate that this is logistically impossible.

J-Swiss: Nowhere in my initial post do I claim, or even infer, that I took any of the photos myself. I stated that I thought that few of the photos have been published on this site before because as far as I was aware they were all taken within the last year. Given that I check this site almost every day, I was fairly confident that very few of them would be reposts. Again, maybe a bit naive but not totally unreasonable. With regard to my comment about competitive folk reporting other peoples photos, I was referring to photos that have already been published, i.e. are no longer awaiting approval.

Anyway, rant over. You guys do an awesome job with the site, keep up the good work.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by mrbrightside06

Mods, I do apologise. I realise that my initial claim that "I (knew) for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before" was fairly ludicrous. I got a tad carried away there. I'm a dick.

I didn't realise that several of the pics were of a a pro model (cassandra from candycrib) and if it's the ones I'm thinking of then I only posted them because I've seen photos of her on here before. I guess that was kind of my point though; unless submitters receive some sort of feedback they will keep submitting photos that will ultimately be rejected. I totally appreciate that this is logistically impossible.

Anyway, rant over. You guys do an awesome job with the site, keep up the good work.

It's no biggie and we have just recently had complaints from some of the members of candycrib about their pictures being uploaded to our site so it's going to take some time to get all that worked out since we don't know exactly what members of that site has images uploaded here. Alot of the pictures from there do not look pro at all but apparently most if not all of the female members with pictures are pro/semi pro.
Lvl 59
Yeah, they don't want to be on this site because, apparently, showing your terts here makes you some kind of porn star or something and they just want to be regular broads who show their tits on some other site that you pay for.

And, I gotta say, that logic seems pretty ironclad.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by EricLindros


It's actually very easy to say that, because if you read what he said, he's rather uncertain.

I'm 100% sure that it'll probably be sunny today.

Which means, "I'm nowhere near 100% sure."

f u
Lvl 23
Originally posted by J_A_W_Z

It's no biggie and we have just recently had complaints from some of the members of candycrib about their pictures being uploaded to our site so it's going to take some time to get all that worked out since we don't know exactly what members of that site has images uploaded here. Alot of the pictures from there do not look pro at all but apparently most if not all of the female members with pictures are pro/semi pro.

Yeah, I think the members of Candycrib may have ideas slightly above their station. Whilst there are undoubtedly a decent number (maybe about a dozen or so) who are pro/semi pro 'models' (i.e. they once got their tits out for 'Nuts' magazine), I would say that the majority are simply girls with aspirations of modelling. So they whip out their camera phones and take grainy self-shots and call themselves models. Admittedly a few have made the effort and paid for professional-looking shots but I'd be amazed if if many of those girls have actually been involved in a paid shoot.

It also overlooks the fact that a significant number of Candycrib members are actually guys pretending to be female models. There's one bloke who has just uploaded a load of pictures of Liz Vicious. Not even bothered to remove the '' tags on the photos. And guys fall for it. Because we're stupid.

At the end of the day, Candycrib is claiming to be a 'network' for 'glamour' models. It's a softcore porn site essentially, masquerading as something it's not. As far as I'm concerned, if you have to pay to look at the pussy, it's a porn site.

Tch, women.

(jk girls)
Lvl 4
some of these comments are hilarious.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by mrbrightside06

Mods, I do apologise. I realise that my initial claim that "I (knew) for a fact that probably none of the pictures have appeared on this site before" was fairly ludicrous. I got a tad carried away there. I'm a dick.

You're not a dick. Plus, you have a pretty neat avatar. Cool beans sir.

Originally posted by mrbrightside06

You guys do an awesome job with the site, keep up the good work.

I will. *thumbs up*

Its because you suck and nobody likes you or anything you do! Hell this is getting old. Maybe its because your not the man like..... Assman!
Lvl 20

Yeah, I don't really know why. I just kinna wanted to.