BORING! If you hate this site, go make your own or find a place you like better....
And if you DO like this site, why don't you become a supporting member so we don't need to have advertisement?
I'm sick and tired of all of these, NEWBIES, that complain about this site.
You all come here and demand to see naked free hot amateur babes, without paying..
You can even download movie´s, and request girls.
I've been a supporting member since i started coming here, and have been ever since.
Only reason im not anymore, is because i just became a dad, and don't have time to be around more.
[b][/b]Do have in mind that this site was made by ONE man, and he made it from scratch.
He did it with help from his friends, and look how big this site is now, and it´s all free for YOU!
You sit there behind your screen complaining about this site, without giving ANYTHING back.
You have 300 posts, NO uploads at all, and not even a supporting member.
Diz is making this site for FREE! The only pay he is getting for this, is when people tell him that they like this site, and when people are becoming supporting members.
But most of that money goes to the servers, which all the pictures and movies are on, without them you can´t sit at home fapping all day with free pictures and movies from this site.
Diz has to pay for the site, server, harddrives and so on...
Dont you think that is expensive? Dont you think he needs some help paying this?
You think that other people should pay that for you, so you can sit there, and demand a site without advertisement?
Perhaps you should say thank you to Diz, for all the hard work, he has done trough the years, putting this website together, and bringing friends together.
WBW is more then a porn site, its a site where people become friends, real friends, and have fun.
Make a thread, say thank you to the people behind WBW!
Say thank you to all of the posters here, people using alot of time finding photos, posting them, making threads and so on.
Do that instead of complaing ........
Or tell Diz how he can run this site, without advertisement.
There are so many people talking crap about this site these days, but they tend to forget, this is a free site, and its a big free site, with almost everything you want, and did i say it was FREE?
Slow load time, are you in a hurry to fap, before you mom comes into the room?
Come on guys!
Stop with the crap talk, and tell the people here, that this is a AWESOME site!
A FREE site, with all the girls that you want, that you are looking for, and if you cant find them? You ask and somebody will help you.
Sometimes it goes a little downhill, it happens to everyone, but it will go up again.
WBW has gone up, and up, and up, and up, and up....
Just look at the member list, look how many people that has a account here.
I really think you should give it a chance, or help finding a way for Diz to get money without him using "fucking advertising for cheap (or money point of view not so cheap) porn sites / friend finder sites".
WBW is different this way : You get friends here, Its Free here, you can find anything here, Its Free, you have girls and cars, Its Free, you have movies, Its Fee, and you have over 773443 pictures to look at, and thats only the pictures thats uploaded to WBW servers.
If you are against supporting WBW, and dont want to see the adverts, use a advert blocker. They are out there.
Thats just what i think about this!
I might sound angry, but i think there are more people talking crap about WBW, then giving back and telling Diz what a great job he is doing on this site.
* This post has been modified
: 17 years ago