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Slow site?

Starter: meem Posted: 13 years ago Views: 5.4K
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Lvl 15
Originally posted by Hemish

I'm on Jamie and while the speed is a bit slow-normal I can't get any pictures in full screen. When you can click a picture to get it to its normal size, the window pops up with all the info inside beside the picture. Only get 2 bars with CLOSE WINDOW.

Some pictures don't work at all when I click on their thumbnails. I get the normal stuff with the previous and next pictures but the pictures don't show up.

Edit : Skywalker isn't working at all. I tested all the other servers from the links in this thread and have the same issues.

Can confirm that now. Is exactly the same here as you describe it ... but here not on Jamie but on Chewbacca. Seems systemwide problem..
Lvl 10
I think that someone is trying to limit my viewing of the cars, and I'm just not happy! And I'm really only one here to read about the cars - not look at the pictures, of course.
Lvl 25
We have some problems with our main storage server, seems the NFS connections are acting up... I am working on fixing this a.s.a.p.
Lvl 25
The problems should be fixed now and everything should be running fine now. If anyone encounter something, let us know!
Lvl 15
Looks like all is well again ... last 2 days all seems to run okay with only some minor glitches. Good job!
Lvl 25
Any speed issues? if so please let us know.. Everything seems to be running fast for me.
Lvl 8
Very fast here, Mac OS 10.5.8 w/ Safari 5.0.1 Thx Diz
Lvl 15
Nope, no more speed issues here!
Lvl 25
Good to hear! Need to keep it as fast as lighting
Lvl 15
Now and then some hick ups ... like now: connecting through Jamie and it takes longer to get connected. But when connected, it loads fast-ish.
Plus something else: the forum does not send any more mail when reply has been posted although that feature is set to On.
Originally posted by meem

Plus something else: the forum does not send any more mail when reply has been posted although that feature is set to On.

Had the same problem a while back with notification of new private messages. I changed my email address trying to get it to work with no luck. Then it suddenly started working again a couple weeks ago.
Lvl 15
Ok, very very slow again, server Jamie. Chewbacca is fast, Skywalker is slowish and so is Alice.
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