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Since so many want to post Professional Pics...

Starter: mickster Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.6K
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Lvl 14
Could you make a seperate Gallery for them?

It's rather boring seeing the same pictures that have been on the internet for years now, or the ones that have been lifted off of professional sites.

At least they could have the common decency to credit the sites they are borrowing them from.
Lvl 16
problem with pro pics is that on most of them, there's copyright. posting them could make WBW a new target to sue. on amateur pics there's no other copyright then that of the owner/person on the pic. and since nearly nobody has complained about it (if I'm correct I've only seen one girl complaining...) the pics can be posted.
if you want pro pics, I'm affraid you're at the wrong site here m8. if you're tired of seeing all those lovely, naked, sexy, georgous, but amateur, girls then you're free to upload some of your own girlfriend
unless they're pro's ofcourse...
Lvl 14
That was the subtle message I was trying to send... I'd say 60% of the last 50 pics are pro pics...
Lvl 16
we are aware that there are indeed a lot of pro pics on the site and we are in the process of removing them *looks at dokterluv*. so we're on it
Lvl 14
Don't get me wrong... I wasn't taking a shot at the Moderators/Owners of the site. It was meant for those that are posting the pro pics.
Lvl 14
Okee there is a lot of discussion about pro pics. It is very difficult to tel if it is a pro photographer eand an amateur pic and must we remove them to or is she pro. Another dicussion is that the pro photo's are very bad and is it than a pro pic or not....

I can tell you that in the last month Diz-x has removed over 500 pics and I turned down over a 1000 pics so then you have any idea how many pictures where not showed on this site.

I hope everyone can understand that we do everything to put on real amateur pics so keep us sharp and enjoy the site.
Lvl 25
I agree with senja. Most pictures are so badly taken, if you look to lightin and other issues. We are trying to do everything to keep as much pro picture of the site. But in this age with digitale cameras who come very close to making a pro picture without adjusting light or other envoirmental things, i think it gets more and more difficult to separate pro from amateur. So we try to keep off known professionals.. that's all we can do for now!
Lvl 14
And i think you all do a fine job. I just think that some people that post pics are not getting the concept.

I don't think they realize that they are not to be posting copywrited material, or even Video Captures of show that were on television.

Perhaps if those that constantly abused this policy were not allowed to post pictures, they might get the concept?

You all have a great idea, and I enjoy visiting your site. It would be a shame for you all to get into trouble, for actions that others have taken.

Lvl 16
problem is... how do you tell the others that we've blocked some ppl for uploading pro pics? a Shame List? it would make ppl stop cumming() here and would certainly make posters of pro pics, or alleged pro pics, angry/hurt.
besides that, they could easily register under a different name. you could block that by blocking IP's from registering but honestly... would you *really* stop your own dad from singing up on WBW?

it takes a lot of time to delete or deny pro pics, but creating a list of Shame or something similar, or any other action to block these pics, could harm the site and it's visitors more then it would do good if you ask me.
best way to solve the problem is to make ppl VERY aware that we will not post pro pics, and delete those pro pics still on the site...
Lvl 15
I'd see to it that if a person continues to post pro pics should be on a "shame list" for example like a saw on another forum... each member had a levelmeter under their nick. 1-5. If 5 were lit they were banned from the forum. I mean. If i load a pro pic knowing it is a pro pic. i should get a warning and a level is lit? % levelt lit yer banned from posting pic's? Just an idea?

And not knowing it is a pro pic... thats tough thou as Diz has said before. I guess the moderators then should decide wether to believe the person who loaded the pic or not?! I dunno so confusing... Yer doing a great job and i dont mind seeing a pro pic once in a while but those could get this site in trouble... =(

Keep at it boys! =)
Lvl 14
Not a shane list!!!!

We are a site of fun not to punish people......okee that could be fun haha
Lvl 14
I'd not publically embrass them....But I would message them in private that you only want "Amature" pics. Give them the benifit of the doubt - maybe they don't realize that just because a picture doesn't have an url posted on it, or a name of a site, doesn't mean it's not copywrited.

Lvl 15
Yes that was my idea. A warning to that person, in person.
i think it could be an idea?
Lvl 22
i got one by one of the moderators and i never uploaded a pro pic again so i guess that a good way to solve the problem
Lvl 25
Difficult one, how do you define professional? As I said before amateur camera's getting better and better! Maybe too good! Try to understand, we are doing our best to let the site run, and must be fun for people to share picture, not to scare them off!
Lvl 14
Oh, I understand the difficulty distiguishing good private Digital Camera's from Professionally produced ones.
Lvl 16
i try to delete them but it takes so much time and i not always got that.
if the users just use the report to moderator function there will be no problem
Lvl 15
Yes I know its hard to see wether its pro or amateur. But I do believe that it would be an idea, to first warn and then ban ppl from loading pics for a while.

But to me it really doesnt matter since I really dont mind it at all =)
Lvl 12
You guys have to donate to keep this site free. I did my part Bandwidth is very expensive and the time Diz-x works is not cheap.

Lvl 14
hee Dominique great awnser it is a lot of work to maintain this site. You earn you name (Sweet)
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