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Series are really becoming a mess

Starter: 3holein1 Posted: 1 year ago Views: 616
Lvl 46
Not sure what is going but mega series are totally getting screwed up lately. Much worse than in the past. Not sure what the issue is but almost becoming a useless part of the site. I enjoy seeing other pics of the same chick. But man, a blind guy could tell these women are not the same.

a few examples:

The biggest problem is that you can't undo it. Once you remove a pic it loses all connections to the others. So now an entire previously existing series is orphaned.

I think this process should be completely re-thought out. Moderators are doing their best but it needs additional oversight or just get rid of the feature altogether.
* This post has been modified : 1 year ago
[Deleted], Teensandcocks, captainlust find this awesome.
Lvl 13
I've had the same problem with people adding unrelated babes to some of my series as well. Contacted one of the mods about it but nothing's been done so far...
Lvl 46
A week ago the women in the first link above was in a series with 22 pics. Then yesterday merged with another series, a woman with a completely different body type, and now sits at 600 pics.