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Questions on submissions rejected

Starter: AsiaTanaka Posted: 3 months ago Views: 623
Lvl 3
Some of the photos I submitted were posted. Other were rejected as pro/celebrity? If I am a pro, please let me know how that is possible?

Others were rejected because of cropped, which yes some are cropped to focus on the person in the image and area that went off the backdrop, but the entirety of the person is still in the image. One is not cropped at all it was just a close up shot of the breasts.

Others were tagged as screen shots? No they were all taken with a camera. None of these are screen shots. Some rejected as screen shots are obviously the same mask and backdrop used in ones that were accepted.

Some were tagged as Other. I have no idea what this means.
Updating this as reading other posts I think I misunderstood these for being rejected. I think maybe they are not rejected but returned to the queue. What do I need to do? We are obviously not pro/celeb. None of them were screen captures. None of them are cropped to remove part of the person in the image, just to remove background.
* This post has been modified : 3 months ago
Lvl 5
I have lost faith in any of them being uploaded i have given up trying
Lvl 30
I like the pictures you have posted so far, I hope the others pass mods and are posted soon.
AsiaTanaka finds this awesome.
Lvl 43
Post/send a picture with a verification on mods.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by justmeee
Post/send a picture with a verification on mods.

Where do I find "mods"? I don't see any forum with that name. What would I post to it? How do I verify to them that I am not a pro/celebrity?
* This post has been modified : 2 months ago
Lvl 22
Try the sentinel (name of a user and mod on this site) click on his name than go to his profile and send him a message
* This post has been modified : 2 months ago
Lvl 43
Originally posted by AsiaTanaka
Where do I find "mods"? I don't see any forum with that name. What would I post to it? How do I verify to them that I am not a pro/celebrity?

@diz-x @the_sentinel @omuh

They can repost your pictures.

Edit: you can also post your pictures in a thread here.
* This post has been modified : 2 months ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by justmeee
@diz-x @the_sentinel @omuh

They can repost your pictures.

Edit: you can also post your pictures in a thread here.

Thats what i say
Lvl 17
Maybe try posting them in the forums. Look at the stats. Most of pics get rejected or deleted.
etherware finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by AsiaTanaka
Some of the photos I submitted were posted. Other were rejected as pro/celebrity? If I am a pro, please let me know how that is possible?

Others were rejected because of cropped, which yes some are cropped to focus on the person in the image and area that went off the backdrop, but the entirety of the person is still in the image. One is not cropped at all it was just a close up shot of the breasts.

Others were tagged as screen shots? No they were all taken with a camera. None of these are screen shots. Some rejected as screen shots are obviously the same mask and backdrop used in ones that were accepted.

Some were tagged as Other. I have no idea what this means.
Updating this as reading other posts I think I misunderstood these for being rejected. I think maybe they are not rejected but returned to the queue. What do I need to do? We are obviously not pro/celeb. None of them were screen captures. None of them are cropped to remove part of the person in the image, just to remove background.

I've checked your rejected uploads and can't find a reason why they were rejected. They do look cropped from the pic ratio, but if they're yours and no uncropped version exists, then it's fine.
"screenshot" is usually used when we can see borders or UI elements or indications that it's a screenshot from a video, but that's not the case with yours.
"others" is usually used when a picture has no erotic/porn value or is sideways but that's not your case either.

I'll inquire just to make sure this was a mistake and will get back at you on this thread once it's done.
Lvl 3
Originally posted by omuh
I've checked your rejected uploads and can't find a reason why they were rejected. They do look cropped from the pic ratio, but if they're yours and no uncropped version exists, then it's fine.
"screenshot" is usually used when we can see borders or UI elements or indications that it's a screenshot from a video, but that's not the case with yours.
"others" is usually used when a picture has no erotic/porn value or is sideways but that's not your case either.

I'll inquire just to make sure this was a mistake and will get back at you on this thread once it's done.

Thank you. Yes We cropped some to get rid of empty space and area off the backdrop that would show the inside of our house. None of them are screen shots. They are all our photos.
Lvl 7
Get used to half of your uploads being rejected. It is the same with every uploader. The 2 main problems are users who upload content that breaks the rules and the other problem is the mods' approach to checking your uploads. You will highly likely get uploads rejected that haven't broken any rules. In fact it is guaranteed, as you've already learned.

It's not a mistake as omuh says. More likely it is laziness/confusion/lack of coherence from the mod team.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the reasoning why your uploads were rejected either. This is done on a scattergun approach and you will be rejected for 'celebrity', 'photoshopped' & 'other reason', leaving you with no idea how you've broken the rules. 'Bad quality' is always a funny one because quite often the photo is higher quality than the average on this site yet you are rejected anyway.

While you are scratching your head wondering why your legitimate uploads have been rejected erroneously you can check out the trending page which features multiple AI fakes, celebrities, Onlyfans' models and clothed women from Instagram & Vinted.
lucashoodz, strictguy find this awesome.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by ManuelLabourer
Get used to half of your uploads being rejected. It is the same with every uploader. The 2 main problems are users who upload content that breaks the rules and the other problem is the mods' approach to checking your uploads. You will highly likely get uploads rejected that haven't broken any rules. In fact it is guaranteed, as you've already learned.

It's not a mistake as omuh says. More likely it is laziness/confusion/lack of coherence from the mod team.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the reasoning why your uploads were rejected either. This is done on a scattergun approach and you will be rejected for 'celebrity', 'photoshopped' & 'other reason', leaving you with no idea how you've broken the rules. 'Bad quality' is always a funny one because quite often the photo is higher quality than the average on this site yet you are rejected anyway.

While you are scratching your head wondering why your legitimate uploads have been rejected erroneously you can check out the trending page which features multiple AI fakes, celebrities, Onlyfans' models and clothed women from Instagram & Vinted.

While I can assure you this isn't how I and some mods work, the more I look into people's claims, the more I notice inconsistencies that just shouldn't happen...
That doesn't mean that anybody claiming their uploads have been wrongly rejected is right, as, from experience, this isn't the case but if you are sure there was a mistake, feel free to contact us to check that out.

Originally posted by AsiaTanaka
Thank you. Yes We cropped some to get rid of empty space and area off the backdrop that would show the inside of our house. None of them are screen shots. They are all our photos.

Still waiting on feedback about your case. It's the holidays so might be a bit slow, but will update you soon.
Lvl 71
It was confirmed to be a mistake so I've put your rejected pics into the queue
Ezk finds this awesome.
Lvl 3
Thanks Omuh
Ezk, etherware find this awesome.