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premium account?

Starter: Duderino Posted: 20 years ago Views: 1.3K
Lvl 16
i cant see pic:
it say i need a premium account!
what the hell is that?
Lvl 25
Soon there will be a section for members, members who pay. The site costs a lot of money and i have tryed to keep it as free as possible, but nobody is donating. So i add a special member section with amateur porn and exclusive stuff. Maybe in the near future sex movies.
Lvl 12
The premium is the first sign that the site wont get so many visitors anymore,
Why ooh why is it always for a pay site . . . . .


Must be Dutch

Lvl 16
The Dude hasnt got the money Lebowski!
Lvl 25
Euuh? Think you get the idear wrong, it's just a section for donators. is it wrong to give people who give a little extra? And all the features that are now online will be free forever as long as i can pay the site. ( If it goes on like this it would be for only 2 months, running out of money... )

The bug you expirenced with next and prev wasn't ment to be. I fixed it, and you never see that there was a premium account. It was a test if i could build in rights per picture. and give some people higher rights for example if somebody uploades much pictures or does a lot for us. Not only about money, it's going to be a right system, where you can earn rights!

Strange part is i work almost fulltime on this site, everybody is complaining and complaining but nobody is complimenting or giving. Everybody is doing like it's normal that somebody puts 70% of his money into a site, and don't get anything back!
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 15
Is this Premium account already in action?

Or are ya still working on it Diz-x?

I like the idea it self meaning, this site needs money to survive. Simple as that.
And the more you do for the site the bigger rights. Is this about the Status that we find in ToDo list?
Lvl 25
I am still writing the source code for that, the status thingie in the ToDolist has something to do with that, the features for example HQ picutres and fullsize pictures are allready completed. Only accesable for highest status user like myself at the moment. If scripting has been completed paying members, and members who contribute to the site get access to this features.

I think it's a good thing that people who contribute to whatboyswant get something in return, ofcoz we have to keep in mind that our site wouldn't be anything without these people!
Lvl 15
yes you are right Diz.

In my humble opinion. The main reason for ppl sticking around is mainly the pics. If there were movies in handy Im sure many would pay/work to get access to those vid's.
But i think its important to keep most pics available to all members.

Im looking towards this status thingie. And maybe some day get access to everything on this site =)

I hope you can solve the vid's part. Would be nice to have that feature. A lil bit of stuff for new members and guests and the more status the more access.

Keep up the good work. I know I appreciate it! =) *thumbs up!*
Lvl 16
well Dagon, you're sure being very active around here

about the movie part, that has been mentioned by several other members aswell and we are taking a look into how we can present movies to paying members. main problem is (again...) copyrights. most/all movies have copyrights except for home made ones. if I'm correct, Diz-X was working on a deal but I could be mistaken...
Lvl 15
Well ty, I only spread my seed... umm write when i feel i have too =)

Yes seen the movie discussion in several topics. And copyright is a tricky thingie. I just believe that there are enough vid's that can be on here. Amateur and vid's that have permission to be here. I wish i had an answer for how it can be sorted out easiest. But i dont =(

But I hope the vid part can be sorted out =) Cheers! =)
Lvl 15
BTW while were at it. Is it impossible now days to have music on here?

Mp3's, wav's etc etc... hmmm i guess the laws are pretty clear about that part huh?
Shame... would have been nice with a music section... well well If i ever sing and record a tune... this is the place I'll post it first...
Lvl 14
It is an idea to do something whit music, I can't tell you in what form but we are thinking about it
Lvl 15
Aha ok so there is a bit of light in the tunnel... great! =)
Lvl 25
we have a lot of idears to complete and get more feature to our users, some of it will be a payed service.. (not everything can be free in life...). I am busy with the paying HQ and Fullsize part, and will be added very soon... i think in the coming 2 weeks! Payment will be firstly done by paypal...

Senja and i where discussing the issue how to introduce it. The issue is... To start with one kind of membership, or start with different kind of membership at ones.. problem with the second one is, it takes a lot of time to make more kind of members ships then introducing them one by one in time,...

My oppion about this is, starting with one kind of membership, and add one by one...