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New website launched

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 5 years ago Views: 1.3K
Lvl 25
On the 26th of December, I launched the new software for our site. I expected backlash, but there was no better time than the present. I will try to explain my motivations and reasoning behind the big overhaul of the site.

I used CakePHP 2.x framework for our old software. CakePHP 2.x is already 10 years old and began to show its age. A lot of limitations, bugs and security issues. It was not simple to upgrade to CakePHP 3.x or later as they made a lot of dramatic changes to the framework. After some research, I decided to pick up Laravel because it's way more future proof with a vibrant community behind it.

The new framework gives me the ability to faster add new features, smash bugs, and guarantee better security. It gives me more freedom without having to hack the underlying framework. As most of you may have noticed the site is faster and more responsive, because of the new framework.

For me, this is a milestone towards a new start. A new beginning after a lot of years of hardship.

Some of you may think WhatBoysWant is run by a company with a lot of employees, but it’s not. I am the only one running this site with the help of voluntaries (moderators). I never ran ads, sold your information, or begged for money. The only thing that keeps the site alive is premium memberships and contributing members.

I understand the frustration about the new software, that's the reason why I have worked for 2 weeks straight to fix and add as much as possible. I don’t take all the criticism personally, as I understand that you care for WhatBoysWant and mean well.

Change is never easy, but it was necessary for growth.
Stage_Man, asunfisher, DEMO, Jullexxx and 18 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 22
Thanks, Diz.

Diz-X, Anglerfish find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by azdesertrat
Thanks, Diz.

Thanks mate for all the support over all these years. It is really appreciated .
Rodger_Ramjet finds this awesome.
Lvl 51
People don’t like change but you need to change with the times. I appreciate your efforts. The site is certainly faster and easier to use now. Thanks for your efforts
Diz-X, A.Wuerzburg, Rodger_Ramjet find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by m3nutter
People don’t like change but you need to change with the times. I appreciate your efforts. The site is certainly faster and easier to use now. Thanks for your efforts

Thank you so much for your kind words. I will do my best to make WBW better than ever. I have been working really hard, and hopefully I can make WBW big again and hire people to help me.
A.Wuerzburg finds this awesome.
Lvl 13
Thanks for this. Any sense of whether or not some things can?/will? be restored (eg: categories, favorites). If--and only if-any idea of a timeline?

Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by m4man
Thanks for this. Any sense of whether or not some things can?/will? be restored (eg: categories, favorites). If--and only if-any idea of a timeline?


I am working really hard on creating as much fixes. Your favorites should be imported into your "playlists" function. If not, please let me know. Or do you mean public favorites from other users? Next patch they will be able to make them public again with the "manage playlists" function.
Lvl 13
Thanks for the prompt reply. To be really honest, I don't keep favorites, but noticed a number of complaints about this, so I hoped a fix would rally the troops.

For my own lookout, what I really, really miss is this: in the old setup when I went to Babes, it would give me the different subsections (eg, Naked Babes, Topless Babes). I know they are still there somewhere (I can see the tags on each image), but they are not laid out, as they were in the past iteration. If you could just include that breakout as part of the intro to Babes photos, it would help me immensely. As an alternative, can you reply with a way to currently access these categories? Right now I only click on the generic "New", which is too vast.

My thanks for your working on this.
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by m4man
Thanks for the prompt reply. To be really honest, I don't keep favorites, but noticed a number of complaints about this, so I hoped a fix would rally the troops.

For my own lookout, what I really, really miss is this: in the old setup when I went to Babes, it would give me the different subsections (eg, Naked Babes, Topless Babes). I know they are still there somewhere (I can see the tags on each image), but they are not laid out, as they were in the past iteration. If you could just include that breakout as part of the intro to Babes photos, it would help me immensely. As an alternative, can you reply with a way to currently access these categories? Right now I only click on the generic "New", which is too vast.

My thanks for your working on this.

What do you use? mobile / tablet or desktop? What browser are you using? The sections are still under the babes home.
Lvl 13
Hey Brother thanks for doing what you do!
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Diz-X
On the 26th of December, I launched the new software for our site. I expected backlash, but there was no better time than the present. I will try to explain my motivations and reasoning behind the big overhaul of the site.

I used CakePHP 2.x framework for our old software. CakePHP 2.x is already 10 years old and began to show its age. A lot of limitations, bugs and security issues. It was not simple to upgrade to CakePHP 3.x or later as they made a lot of dramatic changes to the framework. After some research, I decided to pick up Laravel because it's way more future proof with a vibrant community behind it.

The new framework gives me the ability to faster add new features, smash bugs, and guarantee better security. It gives me more freedom without having to hack the underlying framework. As most of you may have noticed the site is faster and more responsive, because of the new framework.

For me, this is a milestone towards a new start. A new beginning after a lot of years of hardship.

Some of you may think WhatBoysWant is run by a company with a lot of employees, but it’s not. I am the only one running this site with the help of voluntaries (moderators). I never ran ads, sold your information, or begged for money. The only thing that keeps the site alive is premium memberships and contributing members.

I understand the frustration about the new software, that's the reason why I have worked for 2 weeks straight to fix and add as much as possible. I don’t take all the criticism personally, as I understand that you care for WhatBoysWant and mean well.

Change is never easy, but it was necessary for growth.

All I know is you are a FUCKING GENIUS for creating this site. It's always an honor to pay for subscription. Thank you !👍
Diz-X, nok_nok, [Deleted] find this awesome.
Lvl 19
Hold fast Diz-X !

We two appreciate your efforts and hope that those who are whining ( as opposed to offering constructive criticism ) will be patient and maybe even send you some cash, no ?
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 56
Yes Diz, can't thank you enough for all your hard work and effort. you have done great in my eyes and the site runs at break neck speeds. keep up the good work and i know those pesky bugs can get to you but you will get them all worked out in the end
Diz-X, F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 13
Great. Found it. A different way to click on it. Thanks!
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 56
and what Dirty#1 said
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 56
also tagging rights????
how does one get that?
cuz' some of those tags ???? really get me or have none. just saying.
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by commandercody33
also tagging rights????
how does one get that?
cuz' some of those tags ???? really get me or have none. just saying.

Gave you tag rights.