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New poll :)

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 22 years ago Views: 4.3K
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Lvl 25
I made a new poll:
What topic do you like the most?

I'm thinking of making more all round.
Girls, cars, clothing, lifestyle ect.

Any opinion about this?
* This post has been modified : 22 years ago
Lvl 13
Yeah, I am pretty scared by the fact that 50 % voted for cars!! what does that say of this sites audience.. *pff* but I am quite happy that the other 50 % where on news..
Oh, hi btw..
Lvl 25
Haha, the question is what kind of news?
Maybe news of all the other topics
Lvl 16
if this was my site i wouldnt change it

this is the perfect site

and especially i like the wbcam girls
but i think you already know that if you watch my submits

may i ask you how many visitors have you got a day???
Lvl 13
I quite agree with Doktorluv, making it more all-around might make it worse. But anyway, the kind of news I'd like to see is web-related not outer-world related.
Lvl 25
About 1500 unique hits a day, with 1,5 gig datatraffic.
Lvl 13
That's pretty good, what line is the server on?
Oh , and please do if you bring news, bring web-development news.
Lvl 12
and rename the site to :P
Lvl 13
Hey, this is an internet pornsite, offcourse it should be named on the other hand it would have to contain way more pictures of overclocked macintosh's then.. and then it does'nt even contain the word otaku yet..
Lvl 25
Maybe a section on the forum about webdesign.
Lvl 16
i think the only problem is that not much people use the forum
but thats becouse this is all new
and in a few months this will be a very big forum
Lvl 13
A webdesign fora would be nice.
Lvl 25
Haha would be nice yes, then i and rezon, can talk webdesign

I don't know, if many people would use the forum. I'm glad you started to use it.
Lvl 16
meaby make a section celebs
Lvl 25
problem with celebs is that all images are copyrighted, we are trying to block celeb pictures as much as posible,.. Only on the forum they can be posted because of deep-linking.

Maybe a section for revainge on your girlfriend? h
Damn, i see now allready the mails comming in with girls, who are crying, if the picture maybe removed!
Lvl 16
thats a nice story

thats how i discovered youre site

i was reading on fok forem and saw in the babes and hunks forem a few pictures of a girl posted
and some guy uploaded the picture to this side
and there was a whole discussion about the picture
and meaby you got an e-mail of that girl to remove the pic?

but thats how i discovered this site
Lvl 25
True, i had a lot of those emails. But most people hold me personal responsible for those pictures, i never placed a picture taken from FOK!. That's why i programmend a script that blocks people who surf from FOK! towards this Whatboyswant, they get a nice blank page.

Now you can ask youself why? some people begon to threaten me, spreading personal information. Even some people called me, that was the drop that flooded the bucket. I know my rights, and this site is legal in terms of copyright. That some girls make mistakes by putting themself online in these manners, and that the picture end up here is a natural course. If there where any marks of copyright on the images we don't place them!

But only thing i'm searching now is a crew that helps me arround with the site.
* This post has been modified : 22 years ago
Lvl 12
strange, the pictures I uploaded are stil there. Guess they haven't found them yet
Lvl 13
I am fresh if you can use some remote assistance too lazy to do my own site anyway..
Lvl 16
yes i understand it diz-x
but they have to think before taking the picture

ps:if you need a mod for the forum when there are much peopple
becouse i'm always online even when i'm at work

but i don't know anything about webdesign and running a website
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