Yeah, I am pretty scared by the fact that 50 % voted for cars!! what does that say of this sites audience.. *pff* but I am quite happy that the other 50 % where on news..
Oh, hi btw..
if this was my site i wouldnt change it
this is the perfect site
and especially i like the wbcam girls
but i think you already know that if you watch my submits
may i ask you how many visitors have you got a day???
I quite agree with Doktorluv, making it more all-around might make it worse. But anyway, the kind of news I'd like to see is web-related not outer-world related.
About 1500 unique hits a day, with 1,5 gig datatraffic.
That's pretty good, what line is the server on?
Oh , and please do if you bring news, bring web-development news.
and rename the site to :P
i think the only problem is that not much people use the forum
but thats becouse this is all new
and in a few months this will be a very big forum
A webdesign fora would be nice.
meaby make a section celebs
thats a nice story
thats how i discovered youre site
i was reading on fok forem and saw in the babes and hunks forem a few pictures of a girl posted
and some guy uploaded the picture to this side
and there was a whole discussion about the picture
and meaby you got an e-mail of that girl to remove the pic?
but thats how i discovered this site
yes i understand it diz-x
but they have to think before taking the picture
ps:if you need a mod for the forum when there are much peopple
becouse i'm always online even when i'm at work
but i don't know anything about webdesign and running a website