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New Features? or Bugs?

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 22 years ago Views: 2.4K
Lvl 25
If is should develup somehting more for WhatBoysWant, what do you want to see?

- Public Favorites from other users?
- Last comments?
- Top uploaders?
- Other??

Or did you find a bug?
Lvl 12
name the feedback forum feedback and not feeback
Lvl 25
Fixed herald!
Lvl 12
Did you scripted the site all by yourself? I gues you used PHP/ MySQL
* This post has been modified : 22 years ago
Lvl 25
All of it build by me.. It was made for fun, but i didn't knew that it would grow to this
Lvl 12
Nice! Very nice!!
* This post has been modified : 22 years ago
Lvl 16
If is should develup somehting more for WhatBoysWant, what do you want to see?

- Public Favorites from other users?
- Last comments?
- Top uploaders?
- Other??

Lvl 25
dokterluve: And a quote tool hahah next on the list
Lvl 25
Feature: random banners ( oke guys, i know you don't like those things but it's to keep the site alive )
Lvl 16
i have a suggestion
I've been posting a few humor pics in the forum
but there are many humor pics meaby you can make a new section for this pics so i dont have to upload them and than link em to the forum
and i think this would be nice becouse we can discus the picture underneath it
humor pics about girls and bin-laden etc etc
and i think this is what boys want
* This post has been modified : 22 years ago
Lvl 16
lol seems like a funny idea pics of women totally wasted, laying on the ground or stuff
I can imagine going on and on about "that cute but sooooo wasted girl on" to my friends
Lvl 13
Well, You know what I want , but beside those things I have some suggestions too.
As I think this site needs some qualitative control to keep it tight (no pun intended) there should be an option for the ordinary users of the site to vote "against" a picture, and when the given picture (Which is too ugly to be wanted by boys) acumulate a certain number of votes against it.. (say 12.5% of the total number of people who have rated the pic) it should be put in an "ugly" queue for the semiadmins to decide wether or not it should be removed. This could eventually be implemented with a timed voting function .. The semi- and admins either vote for or against it when they check the "ugly" queue and either after a certain time (2 days) or when everyadmin has voted the picture either stays or goes depending on the (semi)admins consensus.
Lvl 16
or just like the top babes something like ugly babes and when they have a grade lower than 4 than deleted or something sounds a lot easyer than you're story
Lvl 13
Well the problem with that is that alot of pictures easily can be deleted if some jackarse decides to vote them down just to fuck things up..
Lvl 25
True, but you can change the script so that it only deletes pictures where there are more then 25 or 50 votes and the avarage lower then 3 of 4 ?
Lvl 13
Fine by me.. Just do it now..
Lvl 25
Have to find some time for to build the script