Your statistics shows that 9 pics were reposts.. do not re-upload them.. somebody else has uploaded them before you..
hatebreed138 10 years ago
Thanks.. where is there a key to what that upload statistics mean?
Upload statistics:
Group: 1Score: 100/100
Total: 17 / 47.06% (8) / 52.94% (9)
A, D, M, P, U, G, Q, A, O?
A= added, D= duplicate, M= watermarked, P= celebrity/model, U= underaged, G= extreme/gross, Q= bad quality, A= altered/photoshopped, O= other..
Also, you can check the individual reasons for deleted uploads by going into the upload page > delete log tab
hatebreed138 10 years ago
Thanks for the help! Much appreciated!
What do they use to determine duplicates? I thought I saw some duplicate on here. I have software that compares images pixel by pixel, but wondering what one they use here.
hatebreed138 10 years ago
Well I can download everything to my PC and run a dupe check. It's what I originally wanted to do after finding a few. Figured I'd make a n excel sheet.
I can't find my software at the moment, but the one I like find them, but then shows them to you can see side by side along with dimension and filesize. This way you can visually look for the better one.