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Starter: Ducks Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.1K
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Lvl 12
Can your make a function that show which babes i've comment and which forum topics i've comment and started?
Lvl 16
that would be a cool feature. Then you could easily keep and eye on posts and comments that may be directed towards you or a comment you have made.
Lvl 21
yeah some sort of search function for some user (incl. urself) or topic...i think Diz-X has had something like that thrown to him...
Lvl 18
that would be nice to have. so there fore you wouldnt get lost tryn to find the topics you have threads upon. kinda like a search for it. a sub folder search. by your name instead of the topic. where it would just search the last topic or topics you have wrote upon. but config it to be some what acurate so that it doesnt collect every thread you have posted in stead the last thread on each subject. in the specified forum you have selected.
Lvl 25
So an kind of history what you did?

I was thinkin about an "last 100 comments" on pictures too? Maybe cool too?
Lvl 15
yea agreed good idea.
Coz its really hard to keep up these days :/

Lvl 25
Dagon: True, its very difficult... I have to think of some handy tools for keeping track on what you did! and what is going on!
Lvl 15
Hmm tough one how to work it out easiest way...

Its easy to see wich posts hae been updated since my last visit thats done easily in the forum. But you easily forget in wich thread you made a REALLY good post and then find it the next day. So why not only make a list (in like Private messages, or sumtin) a "History" over forum threads wich you have written in and has been written in since last post? Or sumtin like that?
Lvl 25
Working on it, got an idear on how to do something like it.. it is an idear from an old website of me... I will keep you update!
Lvl 15
Thank you

Lvl 15
Yea noticed the new feature.
An idea of making that, that shows last forum posts?
I know i'd need that
Lvl 15
And you are ahead of me Nicely done
Lvl 25
Oke features in added, it's only the last 10 posts you made, in your user profile.. again my profile for example:
thats really nice,
Lvl 25
hehe, i forgot last 10 news comments

Is the english text allright? or is it again bad english of mine? (At the /userprofile/)
it's good
Lvl 15
I think its spelled "Category" but otherwise i didnt find any spelling errors.

Yea put in news comments too =) Btw when ya look on news and check the other posts you cant see how many news posts an member has done. Or is it there?
Lvl 25
Fixed the spelling error, and added the last 10 news comments..

Lvl 15
good job *thumbs up*
Lvl 15
Aha it updates the last forum where you did a post. Not the last post it self

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