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Bad Math?

Starter: txxxxxxxxxx Posted: 11 years ago Views: 4.0K
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Lvl 36

I've noticed a problem where I vote higher and the babe's score goes down, vote lower and the babe score goes up. Heard or seen anything about that? It's been happening quite a bit lately.

Lvl 29
Just tried it. A high vote sent it down, but a low vote sent it down also.


Another low vote made it go up.
5 Votes to random pics given a rating of 1 - 3 average scores went up, 2 went down.

5 Votes to random pics given a rating of 10 - 3 average scores went up, 1 went down, and 1 remained the same.

I suspected chipmonks in the server.

Also...on a random note, I thought this thread was titled bad METH at first.
Lvl 15
I thought it said bad meth at first as well...,.. but that may still be the cause
Lvl 25
Not really, it has to-do with the results aren't updated correctly because of not forced to master server. Problem has been fixed accordingly.
Lvl 22
doing it again today.

Lvl 29
Another glitch I just noticed. Under "top members" it only shows the first page most of the time.

Lvl 6
This has happend to me also, over the past week.. But not all the time,, thought it was my pc at first
Lvl 25
LoL forgot to update to update the other servers.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Diz-X

LoL forgot to update to update the other servers.

Did an update of the scripting, everything should be fine now.
Lvl 36
Some other "goofs" and it pops up ""This picture hasn't been rated yet!" but it's got many votes.

On top of that...I can't upload anything. All movies (babe pics and car pics) says that they have been uploaded already or it doesn't upload at all.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by txxxxxxxxxx

Some other "goofs" and it pops up ""This picture hasn't been rated yet!" but it's got many votes.

On top of that...I can't upload anything. All movies (babe pics and car pics) says that they have been uploaded already or it doesn't upload at all.

This issue had to-do with the out of sync databases. Should be oke now.
Lvl 29
Still only see the first page of top members.
Lvl 29
Lvl 12
Sounds like the upcoming American election; A Fix (is in)
Lvl 36
I've noticed lately that when I try to upload pics it does not give me an accurate count of "Files already in database or denied" and "Files are invalid JPEG images" - like 1 and 1 rather than 200 and 5, for example. Or for uploading movies it says, "Movies already in our database" even if I know 99.9% it could not have been uploaded before. Oh yeah and slow speeds too; don't know if Mods are working then/shit's getting changed/uploaded. I know I don't pay, but I CONTRIBUTE CONTENT. But WTF?
Lvl 70
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Still only see the first page of top members.

It also applies to the member list : if I click a letter or do a search, I can only see one page of result and can't browse to the others.
Lvl 70
So, you double post and I'm the tumor... yeah right.
Also by the way, I'm just a mod and not involved in the development of the site, so no need to rage against me.

There are remaining issues with the current site and my last post was also a bump for this thread. The only thing we can do is wait for Diz to fix it.

Regarding the direction of the site and the taste of people, I guess it could be discussed but that's not really the topic here.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by txxxxxxxxxx

Or for uploading movies it says, "Movies already in our database" even if I know 99.9% it could not have been uploaded before.

No, you don't know that they haven't been uploaded before. Just because you made up a (wholly inaccurate) percentage doesn't make it so.

If you're not 100% sure (meaning: if you didn't actually shoot the video yourself and then upload it directly and ONLY to this site), then you have no idea whether it's in the galleries or not, because the galleries are MUCH larger than your functional memory of pics/videos is.

Originally posted by txxxxxxxxxx

But this site is effed up. Are you working to a new site? Why won't this one work?

Yes. There are glitches on the site. None of the crew, however, can do anything about it except to bring it to the attention of the site administrator. The moderators have no ability to force any hardware or software changes to the site, so insulting them in your best interests, and it's certainly not productive.


Is it a problem of when you approve/post the pics, etc that we can't upload at the same time?

Too much difficulty day after day, week after week, and you will lose people. At least one CONTRIBUTOR, a person that you can bad mouth their pics and videos, but who cares.

Yes, we know that will happen when people get frustrated at a site with errors and such. Which is why we try to bring these things to the attention of the site admin, Diz. Again, we cannot fix these things ourselves. And he's a busy guy, working on other thigns (including the next version of WBW, which we hope will fix all of those issues).


Sure, just as long as any a-hole can disparage women in comments or post in a multitude of forums...but wait, what does the name of the website mean? Naked wreckage of humanity equals perfect, but beautiful non-nude means trash. And let's use the most misogynist language ever, indeed.

Yeah, all that stuff is against WBW rules, so I don't know what you're talking about. Misogyny is not allowed, and offensive comments and posts are removed when found. And if you're taking issue with how people vote, well, let me remind you that everyone is entitled to vote however they wish. That's sort of the point of having a voting system. Lots of people will have tastes that are different than yours, and that's okay. This isn't a ""


If you are making a new site please take a long look at yourself: what was the mission; what is the mission today; what gets used; who do you want to use it?

Okay buddy, we're not the ones throwing out insults at people who are only trying to help. I suggest you take your own advice; maybe educate yourself about how the site works, the administrative structure, and who has the ability to actually physically address the issues that are brought up before you start disparaging the people you are addressing.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by txxxxxxxxxx

Thanks ineffectual tumor of an WBW crew.

Wow, what a total douche you are. Such a treat.

I'm sure after that all of the crew is ready and willing to assist you in any way possible. Just because you're a "CONTRIBUTOR" doesn't mean that the crew, the site owner, or the other members should have to deal with your shit attitude. It's not a get out of jail free card just because you uploaded content.

Also, love reading your post and seeing your signature "Swag is for boys. Class is for men." below. What a joke.

Stay classy, contributor.
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