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Are photos still being moderated/checked before they get loaded on WBW?

Starter: perehilperehil Posted: 11 years ago Views: 3.1K
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I feel that the Mods are doing a great job, I too have submitted bunches of pics that were turned down for whatever reason. I try very hard not to submit anything that I know is already posted, but if they get rejected then so be it. You can either keep trying to submit what you believe are very nice pics, or quit trying all together. The vast majority of people don't even try to participate with the aquisition of pics, there are alot of lurkers and I was one of them till I learned to come out of shell so to speak. I have always tried to contribute, but like I said most get rejected but so what, keep trying. And all of the Mods deserve our praise, I luv you all from one of the number one screw ups. I thank all of you with all my heart.

All my luv..... Lia

However I do loathe TROLL's.
Lvl 37
If you like standing in the ocean while wave after wave crashes over you, then you'll love being a pic mod.
The lowest i've seen the Q recently was around 3800 pix to mod.
Generally its about 5000.
As soon as they are added or rejected some of the members reup them.
The pix come up randomly so except for a few Q mods, we mod them as they come up.
I'm not complaining. I love the site and don't mind helping make WBW a great place to visit.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by A.B.D.

i post a pic of a womans pubic bone and get an 8.5

And one hell of a pubic bone it is too!

Originally posted by rainbowdemon

One man's meat is another man's poison!!

Ain't that true!

Originally posted by BWT

As for the pic your referring to Paddy .. I see nothing wrong with that ... Its in the right category and its not blurry ... Its just a voyuer shot taken from a distance and quite a few people like those sort of pics. 61 votes and a 6.7 score means that it isn't that bad .. There is a lot worse on here

It wasn't the best example, jut one I'd seen recently that I thought ' crap'. Although 6.7 from 61 is a pretty decent score. I myself like voyeur stuff so can appreciate the subject matter.

And I do agree there are a LOT more worse quality pics.
Originally posted by Pimpaliciouszzz

I agree with a few other people in this topic. I also have uploaded many pictures but also many are rejected. I also upload often like 20 at one time, and it takes 'weeks' before they get judged and 95% will be declined. Cause i've asked several times why it takes so long to judge my pictures and you always get the answer 'there a big que''. I don't want to talk bad about the moderators as they are very busy and have more things to do, but i think we can say it's a problem and if they need more people to judge pictures then i'm sure there are enough people on here that want to help.

At any given time there can be 10,000 pictures in the queue or 1,000, and also at any given time there can be up to 15 mods reviewing those pictures....or there might only be 3. You have to remember that this is a 100% volunteer job, so there are going to be times when mods are busy, on vacation, or simply don't want to work on the site for a day or two. Also, there are times of the year that more pictures are submitted, or fewer pictures submitted. When all mods are working, and there is an average number of pics in the queue, I know it doesn't take "weeks" for pictures to be reviewed. Pictures are also reviewed randomly, so if you submit 20 pictures, some may be reviewed immediately, and others may take some time, so to say it takes weeks, simply is false.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Lia

I feel that the Mods are doing a great job, I too have submitted bunches of pics that were turned down for whatever reason. I try very hard not to submit anything that I know is already posted, but if they get rejected then so be it. You can either keep trying to submit what you believe are very nice pics, or quit trying all together. The vast majority of people don't even try to participate with the aquisition of pics, there are alot of lurkers and I was one of them till I learned to come out of shell so to speak. I have always tried to contribute, but like I said most get rejected but so what, keep trying. And all of the Mods deserve our praise, I luv you all from one of the number one screw ups. I thank all of you with all my heart.
All my luv..... Lia

However I do loathe TROLL's.

Thanks Lia!
I'll mod your pix.
Lvl 70
I was discussing that with Demo lately. Even if some pictures are not crappy and the girl is not ugly (witch is also a subjective opinion), they are quite uninteresting (like pics you could find all over facebook or by just randomly shooting women in the street).
Thing is, as it's been said, it's a matter of taste and some people might like those kind of pics and secondly, they are not breaking any rules. But yeah, we all have one kind of pics we could do without.

For me, the real pain comes when I have to tag them because I'm not enjoying some good view while doing so
Lvl 18
To be honest, with so many pics being uploaded it amazes me that more duplicates and crappy photos don't manage to slip through. Hats off to all the mods, we appreciate the great work!
Lvl 28
* This post has been modified by omuh : 11 years ago
was that 4rlz
Anyone that volunteers to be a Moderator needs their head examined.
I was a Forum mod on a global fishing Forum and the amount of crap and abuse Mods might as well have a big bulls eye on your back.
People bitch and whine about everything and its a no win can't make everyone happy.
Mods on WBW should get an award to endure the garbage surely thrust on them daily while we viewers sit back and marvel at the result of their endurance.

So you Mods...Thank You!
Originally posted by Honda_X

too many fucking emotes

I wish I had ban power.
Lvl 94
I think the Mods do an awesome job. I do get a little upset when I see so many re-post, but it's all part of the game.
I also think that the variety of women on WBW is what makes it the best site on the net.
If all the photos were a 10 what fun would rating them be.
Sinom finds this awesome.
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