Score: 1.00 Votes: 1
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13271 scores within a day?

Starter: realwilo Posted: 4 weeks ago Views: 473
Lvl 25
just stumbled upon this dude onlyfools:, he joined today, and I wondered: how can you vote 13 271 times within a day? and still going?

sure enough he votes anything down with an average of 1.18

a bot? some kind of automation?
Lvl 25
not even a day, in 17 hours.
He's either seriously addicted or some saboteur that uses a bot to show us 'fools' the error of our foolish ways, hence the name.
EvilEd1 finds this awesome.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by fryday22

Avg babes given: 1.13 (19068× )

Lvl 38
He has a long way to go when you consider he's only at 20,000 , but there are over 523,000 non-nude pics on what is supposed to be a 'Porn" site. Maybe the administrator and mods should look up the definition of porn. Either that or change their description of it.
* This post has been modified : 4 weeks ago
Lvl 25
Seems like a botted account I will take care of it.
crazyivan69, realwilo, bob4funs1234 find this awesome.