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Who is this great looking gal?

Starter: bogle45 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.8K
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Lvl 8
There has got to be some more of her!
Well she is in a college dorm, who has her on facebook?
Lvl 5
I dont know who it is or where there is anymore, but OMG I hope someone finds some
Lvl 28
I've seen moar, she has odd nipples..good luck.
Lvl 8
defintely want moar.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Huushawdadi

defintely want moar.

I second that!
Lvl 13
I know they exist. I just wish where.
Lvl 40
I would like to see more of her...
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
Lvl 17
I think that is the entire set
Lvl 4
she doesn't need a stethoscope to see your heart pound?
Lvl 28
See, look at those nips...madness.

Lvl 7
But does anyone have her on facebook? Shes gotta be on there!
Lvl 7
I have to agree with the weird(as in weird nipples and not the theory) nipple theory. They (the nipples) appear to be high.(maybe I am also?) thanks
Lvl 13
They look displaced, like the result of a bad boob job without nipple adjustment..

She is hot, though.. I'd do her weird nipply hotness
Damn, nice find. I dunno guys, I kinda dig em. Like, a lot. They're different, but natural so I love that. Plus, look at it this way - when she starts coming back down the other side of the hill, her nips will be in the normal position while every other woman's her age will be pointing at the ground. Perfect!!
Lvl 7
very nice thx!
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