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some chick on photobucket has pics/vids up. cant rip the vids off. someone do it..

Starter: Surfitupcc Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.6K
Lvl 9
here is her photobucket
Ill be a nice guy, hope they work
Lvl 17
Use Mozilla Firefox and get a plug in called Download Them all. It works! I don't have a way to upload them though
The links to the vids are under th pics
Lvl 23
Grr rapidshare has changed its verification method and I cant get to it.. bastards.
Lvl 21
Needs a pssword

Look under the two pics that I posted in my post, I ripped the movies and put them on rapidshare, the links are under the pics.
Lvl 23
Originally posted by Xandar


Look under the two pics that I posted in my post, I ripped the movies and put them on rapidshare, the links are under the pics.

I noticed this, but tried to download them and where rapidshare asks for the letters to authorise free download it says i'm constantly fucking wrong lol.
I dunno it worked for me, it's happy hour

give me another site, ill upload them on to it and post
Lvl 23
Cool, worked at happy hour
Lvl 3
whats the password dude
Lvl 10
oh the agony
Lvl 26
a brit said "dude"...lolz
Lvl 4
ah the after school blow job.... oh to be 17 once again...
nice vids, thanx for your help Xandar!
welcome and there is no passwaord
Lvl 13
here ya go
Lvl 15
the link doesnt work ;(
Lvl 23
Works fine for sponsors