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Please please please have more

Starter: terrysooner Posted: 14 years ago Views: 2.7K
Lvl 8
would love to see more
Lvl 18
never seen them before but the girl in the pink is fuckin nice.
Lvl 8
tell me about it
Lvl 19
oh lord....please please please can someone find more!?! lol
Definitely worth a bump - that chick in pink has some fantastic boobs. Hope there are more photos...
Lvl 64
I'd let either of them touch it.
Lvl 9
touch what ??
Lvl 19
...the remote control
Lvl 13

the stove
Lvl 79
Lovely girls. Hope you find more and that they are old enough - one on left looks a bit young.
Lvl 9
and the one on the right looks a little top heavy !!
Lvl 23
Unfortunately probably a random facebook photo ;(
Lvl 26
They are sisters ! (Just look at their faces) Zulu, how can you say you dont know them... dont you remember the other night when you had the one on the left and i had sister on the right ?