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looking for more of this webcam girl

Starter: M.D. Posted: 20 years ago Views: 5.7K
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Lvl 12
hell, i do shave :P ... you get lots more head if youre "nice and clean" so to speak
Lvl 13
thanks mickster, but when I got back from lake havasu I found out firecrotch already found it for me,,,, I am sure other people might find her exciting though, and if not, who cares to each his own....

Lvl 20
i shave to....
Lvl 12
took me a minute to remember where ive seen her ... she has vids alot of people try to name them libby hoeller which isnt libby . try kazaa "libby hoeller" , "libby sister" if those dont work I am sure I can track down a site with her video
Lvl 13
sorry, hemi, zip file is busted.
Lvl 12
look on kazaa she might be on there but the fucking People abuse the useage of it lmao
Lvl 13
yeah, I already looked on there, so far I have seen her named erica, and amy,,, though the only vid I found is the one already posted, and one I already have.
Can you use this ?
Can you use this ? And her name is Erica!
Ill try again..
Lvl 13
your the man devilhair.. you rock!
Lvl 13
do you have a link to a page with her by the way? or any more?
Yeah.. Just wait until i get home.. Ill TRY to remeber to post them..
Otherwise PM me..
Lvl 12
Funny story about this girl. Me and a buddy originally downloaded her video off limewire and were watching it when his roomate comes over to check it out. Turns out this girl is like one of his best friends from home, lol. Anyways shes from long island and it was the classic make like 3 or 4 videos for her boyfriend and he ends up putting them online. Sad thing is she played online games and somehow people figured out her email and eventually her name and address and have been stalking her and stuff. Also shes been in like a huge legal battle with tons of websites to get her stuff taken offline cuz she was 17 when those videos were made.
Lvl 13
I think your thinking of someone else, this girl is a webcam girl, who actually gets one a webcam for people... I used to have a bunch of her shows that she did, so, most of that stuff you said was either a lie told by your friend, or just a made up story, also, she cant be 17 in the vid because she is in a university dorm room,, she was 18 at least when she made it...
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