Here's a few photos of the girl I know, I'm leaning towards it is the same girl. What do you all think?
I'd feel comfortable saying it's the same girl. But I'm by no means even close to good at this sort of thing :P
they do look similar but I don't think its the same girl, the girl in the comparison pics appears to be thinner and also does not have her belly button pierced.
[Deleted] 12 years ago
Not the same. OP girl has two moles on her face. Comparison girl does not.
I think these photos may be more recent of her, the ones I uploaded were from at least 3 years ago. So she might of put on a little weight and lost it again, doesn't seem to be a huge difference. I know she does have her belly button pierced since last year for sure. As for that scar, she might have covered it up with makeup before she got a tattoo in the same spot. I've hardly seen her without makeup on, so it's difficult for me to tell. Thanks for the opinions everyone.