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Starter: bribri03 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.7K
Lvl 6
Any help on some pics of her is greatly appreciated...
For those too lazy to click the link:

Lvl 8
Hot hot hot !!!!!!
Lvl 26
I know I've seen this pic before but I can't remember if there's anymore.
Lvl 11
a few of them;

Lvl 7
There are more out there, but I don't know where they are. Good find either way, haven't seen those pictures.
Lvl 13
she's called george? funny name for a girl...
Lvl 20

There's two you didn't have already.

Hint: If you expect your wife to stay home and tend house, this one is not for you.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by neongen

she's called george? funny name for a girl...

Lvl 6
i know i spelled it wrong, i'm an engineer not a english teacher, but thank you very much for the finds!
Lvl 4
Look at that smile, that body !!!!
But that room... what a mess.
Lvl 6
here's some more i found
Lvl 6
Lvl 2
cute babe
Lvl 6
Lvl 16
I think I could learn to live with a bit of a mess, at least until she started losing her looks....