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Clothed/Naked Comparisson

Starter: jiffbox Posted: 14 years ago Views: 2.4K
Lvl 13
Hi Guys,
First new thread, sorry if it's in the wrong place.
I came across the picture below some time ago. It looks like these are a series of some sort.
Anyone know where to find more?
Lvl 13
Whoops, forgot to insert picture...
Lvl 16
There is a website devoted to this but i can't remember the name of it- was posted here some time ago. Some guy takes them and it has both guys and girls. Some art site of some nature I think.
Lvl 9

when you click on the girl, her clothes disappear...... is this what you're looking for ?
If you just mean that type of photo, there are plenty on WBW. Just a few of them:
Lvl 13
Originally posted by tonybofjersey

[ Link ]

when you click on the girl, her clothes disappear...... is this what you're looking for ?

Kinda exactly what I was looking for... but in simple picture format. Looks great though!