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Anyone have any more of this girl?

Starter: enigmaexistence Posted: 10 years ago Views: 1.1K
Lvl 4

Lvl 26
Yes, someone has - just the other day a WBW user wrote the name, and the link to more of her !
Lvl 62
omuh finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Much love guys <3
I question whether or not she's 18 in all those pics.
Lvl 42
Originally posted by Sugarpie
I question whether or not she's 18 in all those pics.

you mean you think she looks 18 in some of them
Lvl 8
Judging by some of her pics, she works in one of those coffee shops that has their servers wear lingerie or bikinis. You have to be 18 years old to work in one of those places so I'd say she's of age. She does look young though.
These are all recently taken. She's over 18, per her twitter.

Originally posted by Sugarpie
I question whether or not she's 18 in all those pics.