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Any more of Anne

Starter: freebird502 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 5.3K
Lvl 7
I know her name is Anne and that's about it, except that she's very pretty and I'd like to take her home to meet my folks.

Lvl 13
You liar - You would just want to abuse her senslessly!!!!!
Lvl 7
Originally posted by marcell1001

You liar - You would just want to abuse her senslessly!!!!!

Only if my parents think she's a good wholesome decent virgin.
Lvl 26
She's incredibly beautiful!
Lvl 11
Melissa / enigmaepiphany <-- Googleit
Lvl 13
@ Brownell - Can we have a mirror for the vid please.

@ freebird 502 - you are shit outta luck bro - no bird this hot is still a virgin.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by marcell1001

@ Brownell - Can we have a mirror for the vid please.


Originally posted by brownell
<-- Googleit
Lvl 13
Oh, ok. I was being lazy. Thanks for the googleit