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A lil help finding more of her please

Starter: skinfred9 Posted: 12 years ago Views: 6.0K
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Lvl 10
Well its from her FB page and was recently loaded
Lvl 10
Its clear the fact i told it was an ex directed everyones entire quest to find all avenues of doubt rather than produce more pics
Lvl 27
No, if you are able to provide accurate information, that helps us locate more pictures. If you tell us nothing but bullshit, and we try to search for more pics based on said bullshit, we just waste time.

Where do you think the non uniformed pics were taken?
Lvl 24
watch out, this guy rudy is crazy.

give him more information and he'll find everything down to her dental records. he found mine last week. :P
Lvl 10
Alaska, most likely Anchorage. I think one of the pics may have been taken in Albuquerque
Lvl 10
she also lived in phoenix for a while
Originally posted by skinfred9

Well its from her FB page and was recently loaded

Post a copy of her FB page with pertinent information cropped out.
So she lived in AK, AZ, and NM? Interesting that you're not certain, considering you have her Facebook page as a reference... and her herself.
Also, after 8-9 years, I still find it amazing how no one expects people on the internet to find pics, of someone they found on the internet
Lvl 14
I seen quite of few with her about 2 years ago where she was get plowed by some black dude.
Originally posted by Five-oh

I seen quite of few with her about 2 years ago where she was get plowed by some black dude.

Well that's one way to break the news to the original poster!
Lvl 24
lol @ plowed.
Lvl 10
was he all black or just from the waste down
Lvl 37
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Almost 40 posts and nothing but blah blah blah
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 22
I'm a gonna bust this tomorrow so get all in my face. I'm not happy over the flames!
Lvl 16
more pix!
expecially about plowing!!
Lvl 15
plowing is so hot

Lvl 37
Good grief. Notech left the door open.
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