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your opinion please: are they to skinny to post more here? (Update June the 12th)

Starter: Muad-dib Posted: 16 years ago Views: 24.0K
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Lvl 8
Flat chested for sure. Though big tits would look hilarious. Lets not all chip in for food...lets get her implants!!
Lvl 15
she is hot and if you dont like her they dont look shes pretty id do her and so would most every other guy looking if you want a fat chick go whaling there are plenty to find you dont have to make them all that way though lol
Lvl 11
cute, yes, but she could use a good feed!!
Lvl 7
christ, i'd be afraid of snapping her in half if i fucked her
Lvl 13
All women are beautiful naked, Looks like that is just her build, she is welcome in my bed.
Lvl 11
needs some food...
Lvl 28
All women are hot.

...I guess.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by beretta

cute, yes, but she could use a good feed!!
I don't like onions!
Lvl 12
to skinny for my taste, but thats just me.
Lvl 7
nope... i think he beautiful... some girls are just naturally that small....
Lvl 79
Too skinny - needs help, not more photos.
Lvl 26
Never too skinny and never too rich!
Lvl 9
Nice post, like others have said, she is too skinny but still beautiful, could do with some food but....i wouldnt say no
Gonna have to strap on a rubber condom to not risk injury on my penis!
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Muad-dib

Yes she is skinny...yes
I love skinny to
She is too skinny I will admit...could eat something
She is still a beautiful're right

nothing else than to second that.
i'm no n00b, and i think she's gorgeous. maybe a little skinny, but still gorgeous
Lvl 27
Originally posted by azdesertrat

...i'm no n00b, and i think she's gorgeous. maybe a little skinny, but still gorgeous
I've to second that! **
Lvl 8
come on, she is great!!!post more!!!!
Lvl 14
too skinny.....
Lvl 6
maybe she did the photos to get money so she could buy food ........ im trying to think what site i have seen her on, when i remember ill let you all know.
Lvl 26
Way too skinny ! I have seen more fat on a chip
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