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XXX Mardi Gras

Starter: showoffzzzz Posted: 19 years ago Views: 46.6K
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Lvl 30

Come on now, don't be shy. Tell us about your Mardi Gras experiences.

Lvl 30
::wonders if he walks up and down the High St. giving out cheap plastic necklaces to girls, will they show their tits to me?::
Lvl 30
Don't forget your video cam and don't forget to share your vids with WBW.

Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
fun at a Bourbon St bar...

Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Originally posted by showoffzzzz

Don't forget your video cam and don't forget to share your vids with WBW.

we'll .....where i live, i'm not likely to get many tit pics, just arrested!!!
Lvl 30

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 10
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
I am sure if you went to NO for Mardi Gras you'd see a LOT of tits. But even though I hav enever been, I somehow get the feeling there is only a miniscule amount of fucking going on despite all appearances and suppositions to the contrary. Places like this where it LOOKS like there is a lot of sex.....? can end up being pretty hard to score at. It's kind of how an exhibitionist usually won't put out for you, only on a city-wide scale. Plus if your luck sucks in your home city when it comes to getting laid, let me tell you, despite all male fantasies to the contrary, there is no magical Fuck City USA (or in any country) where the sex comes fairly easy. Well, maybe Thailand but had better look under the hood before you take a "girl" home from a bar or you might be later having something hanging in your face that, well, most of us would rather not have hanging in our faces. I've always said to myself, "The more they show, the less likely they are to put out.".
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 30
Originally posted by Jeff613

I am sure if you went to NO for Mardi Gras you'd see a LOT of tits. But even though I hav enever been, I somehow get the feeling there is only a miniscule amount of fucking going on despite all appearances and suppositions to the contrary. Places like this where it LOOKS like there is a lot of sex.....? can end up being pretty hard to score at. It's kind of how an exhibitionist usually won't put out for you, only on a city-wide scale. Plus if your luck sucks in your home city when it comes to getting laid, let me tell you, despite all male fantasies to the contrary, there is no magical Fuck City USA (or in any country) where the sex comes fairly easy. Well, maybe Thailand but had better look under the hood before you take a "girl" home from a bar or you might be later having something hanging in your face that, well, most of us would rather not have hanging in our faces. I've always said to myself, "The more they show, the less likely they are to put out.".

Holy shit, it sounds like you scored with a tranny in Thialand. Damn dude!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12


During the last 5 or 6 days of Mardi Gras, anything goes.

Showofffuzz comments arent very far from the truth.

Been there.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by showoffzzzz

I am sure if you went to NO for Mardi Gras you'd see a LOT of tits. But even though I hav enever been, I somehow get the feeling there is only a miniscule amount of fucking going on despite all appearances and suppositions to the contrary. Places like this where it LOOKS like there is a lot of sex.....? can end up being pretty hard to score at. It's kind of how an exhibitionist usually won't put out for you, only on a city-wide scale. Plus if your luck sucks in your home city when it comes to getting laid, let me tell you, despite all male fantasies to the contrary, there is no magical Fuck City USA (or in any country) where the sex comes fairly easy. Well, maybe Thailand but had better look under the hood before you take a "girl" home from a bar or you might be later having something hanging in your face that, well, most of us would rather not have hanging in our faces. I've always said to myself, "The more they show, the less likely they are to put out.".

Holy shit, it sounds like you scored with a tranny in Thialand. Damn dude!

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
Great post.
I did jack off for a girl and her friend at the "sex acts" bar last May.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
Awsome thread. i went to gaspirella in tampa once. that was quite cool.
here in sa we dont have things like this.( that i am aware of)
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 5
great post!!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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