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would you f... my slave?

Starter: germanfun Posted: 15 years ago Views: 4.9K
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Lvl 5
Lvl 5
the last of this set...sorry for not beeing able to rotate these pics.
Lvl 8
Wow, a possibly great thread ruined by having to turn my neck 90 degrees. Cba.
Lvl 9
i would fuck her after i spank her ass
Lvl 8
Originally posted by greg_greece

I got a mac too!!! what do u mean auto rotation?? just use the Preview to rotate them, it's so simple!

This is with Preview rotated, works like a charm
Lvl 5
I was getting dizzy trying to adjust my head.
Lvl 21
In a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 13
i think she is very hot and i would like for her to come to my house and fix my fucking neck it is suck in a 90 degree angle

porn will never be the same like this
Lvl 12
I would fuck her, but only in the ass.
Id like to fist her in the anus then a little scat and then bleed her out and chop her up and make slave stew! Seriously Not all that I had a moment but yeah Id do her.
Lvl 21
Lvl 30
nice body. It would be cool to be able to stand on walls like that though.
Lvl 10
i'd fuck her for sure, thanks for the share!! and to all you whiners...just do like i do- rotate your fucking monitor!!!
Lvl 22
Originally posted by germanfun I said, I would prfer to rotate them, but in my views they´re all rotated...really!!!
If she wants to rotate that on me, I accept

Lvl 59
Cool. A slave. I've got questions.

What do her children think of their mother being a slave?
Do you get to enslave the offspring of your slave?
Do you have to provide for like lodging and meals and things, or is she a part-time slave that works and stuff?
Are there full time slaves that people get to keep in their basement or whatever?
How do you meet a slave? Do you meet them at a special slave bar, or club where the slave owners walk in with their slaves like people at the dog park?
Do you go out in public with the mask? That'd be cool. You could tell people you were with the female version of Zorro.
Lvl 37
ummm... no... I hate treating girls like slaves
Lvl 11
I would need her to be stripped to the waist with only a little short skirt on, give her a lengthy bare back whipping with a belt, then service her sweet pussy for the rest of the night. If you ever get to Sydney Australia email me ( and we can meet up for some erotic fun. Luv youse all.
Lvl 7
i'd fuck her. definitely. repeatedly.
Lvl 17
In all holes. After giving her a good spank. That's the way to treat a slave girl.
Lvl 11
I would most certainly fxxxk your slave but i think to do a slave girl who is as georgeous as this one she has to be treated with the utmost humiliation and spanked mouthfxxked and definately by at least 5 guys at once. 2 Other slave girls to wet her up first and as entertainment to get the ball rolling. As with these great pics give us the run down of how you treat her and what she likes best. Spanking or just being used as a fuckslxxt
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