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Women over 30 , the best age I think

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 59.6K
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Lvl 22
outta site knacki,thanks,love these women!!
I'll take 18-25 please! lol

But I would fuck em till they 40 lol
Probably not as sexy but they love the cawk, thx Knacki
Lvl 7
First of all, great post! The woman from 29/30 and the one from 102 are phenomenal.

I have to put in my two cents on this age thing. I don't think it's so much that 30+ women are "hotter". People sometimes mix up hotness and attractiveness. A woman could be physically stunning, yet unattractive for a myriad of reasons (i.e. attitude or lack of intelligence). I believe that this is why some men prefer women with a little age on them. The stupidity of youth tends to pass with time. Self-assuredness and the confidence to speak their minds and go for what they want in a mature manner are traits that women over 30 tend to possess that their 18-25 year old counterparts do not. That is why, IMO, some men prefer women in this age bracket vice the younger, "hotter" ones.
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