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mr_mgd23 15 years ago
The shots of G2 are great. More of her topless and naked would be superb. Between 3 and 4 it definately 3. 4 is looking a little homely.
franklin 15 years ago
Originally posted by Assman!
numero uno I bet she has nice meat curtains!
i vote for number 2 but i am curious about #1's meat curtains!!!!!!!!
Dr.Shavargo,Pt.3 15 years ago
Dr.Shavargo,Pt.3 15 years ago
franklin 15 years ago
I srsly want to see if Girl A with the big nose has allotta labia major as somone suggested......or no she really doesn't?
Dr.Shavargo,Pt.3 15 years ago
If this thread can get a 5 star rating, I'll post pics of both the winners sucking on a cock.
J-Swiss 15 years ago
Originally posted by Dr.Shavargo,Pt.3
If this thread gets a good 5 stars, I'll post some pics of her sucking some dick.
Oh and just for knowledge purposes even the absolute best threads (which this is far from) rarely get 5 stars cause someone's always gonna vote lower then that and it works on an average so even 1 person voting less then a 5 throws off the whole thing and makes it next to impossible to get a 5 average. (example: If 99 people rate 5 and 1 person rates 4 then the average is still only 4.99).
[Deleted] 15 years ago
I have already seen #2 a few months ago I believe. So #1. BTW you need to post way more for this to even come close to getting a 5.
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