Score: 4.34 Votes: 32
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Which one...

Starter: Dr.Shavargo,Pt.3 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 9.5K
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Lvl 18
Lvl 11
me like 2
Lvl 7
The shots of G2 are great. More of her topless and naked would be superb. Between 3 and 4 it definately 3. 4 is looking a little homely.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Assman!

numero uno I bet she has nice meat curtains!

she also has quite the nose!~

i vote for number 2 but i am curious about #1's meat curtains!!!!!!!!
Lvl 12
Um can I pick neither. But if I had to pick 1 it be #2.
Lvl 4
Looks like Chick#3 is ahead of Chick#4, so you will all being seeing more of her soon!

Well since Chick#2 is so popular I'll give you all some more!

Lvl 4

Lvl 4
Okay, now time for the losers round.

Now out of of the 2 not so popular gals, which one do you want to see naked?

Girl A

Girl B

Lvl 10
I srsly want to see if Girl A with the big nose has allotta labia major as somone suggested......or no she really doesn't?
Lvl 4

Lvl 4
If this thread can get a 5 star rating, I'll post pics of both the winners sucking on a cock.
Lvl 4


Anybody care to see Girl A or B now?
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Dr.Shavargo,Pt.3

If this thread gets a good 5 stars, I'll post some pics of her sucking some dick.

Either post or don't but save that "if you rate my thread good I'll post more" shit. How the hell you gonna expect 5 stars for nothin? Post some 5 star girls and you'll get 5 stars. Long as you post average girls you'll get average ratings.

Oh and just for knowledge purposes even the absolute best threads (which this is far from) rarely get 5 stars cause someone's always gonna vote lower then that and it works on an average so even 1 person voting less then a 5 throws off the whole thing and makes it next to impossible to get a 5 average. (example: If 99 people rate 5 and 1 person rates 4 then the average is still only 4.99).
Lvl 5
Lvl 2
Lvl 7
Pizza, no, wait...what was the question again?
I have already seen #2 a few months ago I believe. So #1. BTW you need to post way more for this to even come close to getting a 5.
Lvl 4
Girl three cause she likes black dick.
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