Score: 4.44 Votes: 18
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WBW favourites of Jhope1

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 8 years ago Views: 66.7K
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Uploaded by: fh362

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[Deleted], flipman, justabrowser, goodjello and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: kosvik (3rd entry on this list)

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F1098, unknown1002001, robert98597, [Deleted] and 9 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: ponch88

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Hican, unknown1002001, alantraherne, robert98597 and 18 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: fxhfghjhdvmhv

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Hican, robert98597, unknown1002001, [Deleted] and 16 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: ponch88 (2nd entry on this list)

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[Deleted], robert98597, flipman, losl and 3 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: bikerbob599

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Antius, Hican, dlks, [Deleted] and 9 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: FusionRi

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unknown1002001, alantraherne, [Deleted], robert98597 and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: phloyd1

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moss, robert98597, [Deleted], [Deleted] and 16 other(s) find this awesome.
Uploaded by: TheCurly

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Antius, unknown1002001, alantraherne, [Deleted] and 14 other(s) find this awesome.
That's my favourite list so far - more will be added soon I'm sure. As I said, I'm quite picky when it comes to adding photos to my list - of course not everyone will like my choices as we each have our own preferences. Hopefully if you do like any of these photos, you'll go to the original upload and vote accordingly, and maybe even take a look at the other images that user has uploaded.
[Deleted], captnenglish, dogdude find this awesome.
Lvl 63
Is it me or is something missing?
Lvl 23
Originally posted by robert98597
Is it me or is something missing?

Nope. Not just you. Everything is missing. Weird.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by jhope1

In what respect?

Lol I think you figured it out, for some reason no pics showing
Ok, hopefully all is sorted now so the images should at least be visible to everyone...
captnenglish finds this awesome.
Yes they're all visible now.
I hate to be picky here, but this is supposed to be the Nude Public Babes thread and many of the women in this thread are fully clothed with not even a hint of nudity. Those sort of pictures belong in the Non-nude thread rather than here. Please try to keep them separate in future.
Originally posted by Jamesr60
I hate to be picky here, but this is supposed to be the Nude Public Babes thread and many of the women in this thread are fully clothed with not even a hint of nudity. Those sort of pictures belong in the Non-nude thread rather than here. Please try to keep them separate in future.

What am I supposed to do when there are a mixture of images then? I thought it best to put it in the nude section as there are some nudes. Are you telling me under no circumstances are we allowed threads that mix images - they have to be all nude or all non-nude? Seems a bit ridiculous to have to make two threads covering the same topic, and I don't think people viewing this thread are horrified by some of these women wearing clothes...
alantraherne, InconspicuousZ28, F1098, TB2006 and 6 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 17
52 is something special. She knows what she's got and boy would i like to help her use it!
* This post has been modified : 8 years ago
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Originally posted by jhope1

What am I supposed to do when there are a mixture of images then? I thought it best to put it in the nude section as there are some nudes. Are you telling me under no circumstances are we allowed threads that mix images - they have to be all nude or all non-nude? Seems a bit ridiculous to have to make two threads covering the same topic, and I don't think people viewing this thread are horrified by some of these women wearing clothes...

Rule 1 of the forum: "1) This forum is mainly for nude pics and series where the girl ends up nude. If the thread is mixed the nude pics have to be in vast majority."

All I'm saying is that there is a significant number of non-nudes in this thread - I make it around 25% of the pics. So, yes, it might be better to split the threads between the forums.
Originally posted by Jamesr60
Rule 1 of the forum: "1) This forum is mainly for nude pics and series where the girl ends up nude. If the thread is mixed the nude pics have to be in vast majority."

All I'm saying is that there is a significant number of non-nudes in this thread - I make it around 25% of the pics. So, yes, it might be better to split the threads between the forums.

So does 75% not count as the "vast majority" then?
Hican, captnenglish, Hairy69, jumpj find this awesome.
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