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Vintage/Retro Muffs~When Its 15 Degrees At Least Your Face Will Be Warm

Starter: HarleyXLH Posted: 15 years ago Views: 54.9K
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Originally posted by 888SPO


It is no less real today. We women are just shaving one more thing and the effect on our lovers is worth the small effort.
BTW, is your penis less real when a woman shaves it for you ?

REAL is the smile on your lover's face when you have pleased them. All the rest is just silly philosophy and fashion

Call it philosophy and fashion, call it what ever you want. I don't think many people want hair between there teeth. When eating pussy
Lvl 29
Originally posted by ++speed++freak+

Call it philosophy and fashion, call it what ever you want. I don't think many people want hair between there teeth. When eating pussy

Unless you also have to floss.
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Originally posted by 888SPO


It is no less real today. We women are just shaving one more thing and the effect on our lovers is worth the small effort.
BTW, is your penis less real when a woman shaves it for you ?

REAL is the smile on your lover's face when you have pleased them. All the rest is just silly philosophy and fashion

shave my penis? it's pretty much hairless...around it? i should ask my wife to do that, sounds fun.

anyway - you missed my point. shaved is obviously a personal choice, but it resembles young girls. women are mature and developed for a reason...
Lvl 7
Ah, when women were REAL women. Have you noticed that most of them had larger breasts that were REAL? And my personal opinion is that when you wake up in the morning with a woman's pubic hair in your teeth you had a GREAT NIGHT!
Lvl 7
And no obnoxious tattoos!
Lvl 5
Originally posted by shadow11

...anyway - you missed my point. shaved is obviously a personal choice, but it resembles young girls. women are mature and developed for a reason...

Because once upon a time men and women needed the extra body hair to keep them know, before we had things like clothes and decent shelter. Now that we have these things it's unnecessary and shaving keeps everything much cleaner.

Originally posted by shadowed

And my personal opinion is that when you wake up in the morning with a woman's pubic hair in your teeth you had a GREAT NIGHT!

That's just disgusting, whether you like hair down there or not...

Hair or no hair, I just dig the style! Thanks for the thread.
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